
Terms for subject Microsoft containing composto | all forms
ambiente compostocomposed environment (A virtual environment that was created from virtual machines. Those virtual machines were created outside of Microsoft Test Manager and are already deployed on a host group)
comporre il numero manualmentedial in manually (Dial in to the audio conferencing provider from your physical telephone when the audio conferencing provider service cannot call you)
controllo compostocompound control (A control and an attached label, such as a text box with an attached label)
fotogramma chiave compostocompound keyframe (In an animation timeline, a type of keyframe that indicates that the property has child properties that have simple keyframes set on them. You can work with compound keyframes in order to modify large groups of properties at once with a single selection, for example when moving keyframes along the timeline)
Rilascia tracciato compostoRelease Compound Path (A tool that is used to release all of the paths that went into making the compound path)
tracciato compostocompound path (A path that is made up of two or more sub-paths)