
Terms for subject Environment containing commercial | all forms
acqua di rifiuto da attività commercialiwastewater from trade Liquid or waterborne wastes polluted or fouled by commercial operations
acqua di rifiuto da attività commercialiwastewater from trade
attività commercialetrade activity
barriera commercialetrade barrier An artificial restraint on the free exchange of goods and services between nations. The most common types of trade barriers are tariffs, quotas, and exchange control. Such obstacles to trade are usually imposed by a country that wishes to protect domestic products in their home market against foreign competition, better its terms of trade, reduce domestic unemployment, or improve its balance-of-payments position. The raising of trade barriers by one country often provokes other nations position. Generally, the effect of a trade barrier is to reduce the volume of trade while increasing the domestic price of the protected good. Thus, it results in a relatively inefficient allocation of world resources and reduces the level of total world income and production
barriera commercialetrade barrier
centro commercialeshopping centre Enclosed area in which there is a variety of shops
coltivazione commercialecash crop Crops that are grown for sale in the town markets or for export. They include coffee, cocoa, sugar, vegetables, peanuts and non-foods, like tobacco and cotton. Huge areas of countries in the developing world have been turned over to cash crops. Those countries with no mineral or oil resources depend on cash crops for foreign money, so that they can import materials do develop roads, for construction, or to buy Western consumer goods and, indeed, food. However, critics argue that cash crops are planted on land that would otherwise be used to grow food for the local community and say this is a cause of world famine. Cash crops, such as peanuts, can ruin the land if it is not left fallow after six years of harvests. Moreover, if the best agricultural land is used for cash crops, local farmers are forced to use marginal land to grow food for local consumption, and this has a further dramatic effect on the environment
coltivazione commercialecash crop
diritto commercialecommercial law The whole body of substantive jurisprudence applicable to the rights, intercourse and relations of persons engaged in commerce, trade or mercantile pursuits
distribuzione commercialedistributive trade
distribuzione commercialedistributive trade Distribution of material goods to consumers, through retailing and wholesaling
foresta commercialecommercial forest
industriale o commercialeindustrial or commercial
istituzione pubblica di natura industriale e commercialepublic institution of industrial and commercial nature Public institution for the management of industrial and commercial issues
istituzione pubblica di natura industriale e commercialepublic institution of industrial and commercial nature
pesca commerciale della balenacommercial whaling
politica commercialetrade policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which promotes or determines the direction for the act or process of buying, selling or exchanging goods and services within a country or between countries
politica commerciale comunecommon commercial policy The set of uniform trade principles or practices established by an European Community customs union, which implements common tariff rates, tariff and trade agreements with non-member countries, import and export policies, and export promotion
relazioni commercialitrade relations
restrizione commercialetrade restriction Commercial discrimination that apply to the exports of certain countries but not to similar goods from other countries
restrizione commercialetrade restriction
rifiuti commercialicommercial refuse
rifiuti della preparazione di acqua potabile od acqua per uso commercialewastes from the preparation of drinking water or water for industrial use
rifiuti della preparazione di acqua potabile od acqua per uso commercialewastes from the preparation of water intended for human consumption or water for industrial use
rumore di origine commercialecommercial noise
rumore di origine commercialecommercial noise Noise emitted from commercial activities
sfruttamento commerciale senza alcuna ripercussione negativa sull'ambientenon-disruptive commercial use
traffico commercialecommercial traffic The operations and movements related to the transportation and exchange of goods
transazione commercialecommercial transaction The conduct or carrying on of trade, business or a financial matter to a conclusion or settlement
veicolo commercialecommercial vehicle Vehicle designed and equipped for the transportation of goods