
Terms for subject Microsoft containing clausola | all forms | exact matches only
clausola DELETEDELETE clause (A part of a DML Statement that contains the DELETE keyword and associated parameters)
clausola di controllocheck clause (Code that enforces constraints on a table or column)
clausola di queryquery clause (" A single clause of a query expression. There are several different query clauses, each identified by its initiating query keyword. For instance, the "from/From clause" refers to clauses like "From c In customers" in Visual Basic, or "from c in customers" in C.")
clausola FromFrom clause (The clause that introduces a data source and a range variable in a query expression)
clausola queryquery clause (The combination of an expression (or query subclause) and its adjacent logical operator. It is modeled on the WHERE clause of a SQL statement and contains Field Name, operator, and value)
clausola STEPstep clause (" A clause that specifies the amount by which the loop counter is incremented each time a For...Next loop is traversed. In the following example, "Step 2" is the step clause: For loopCounter = 1 to 100 Step 2")
clausola WHEREWHERE clause (The part of an SQL statement that specifies which records to retrieve)