
Terms for subject Environment containing chimica | all forms | exact matches only
addizione chimicachemical addition Chemical reaction in which one or more of the double bonds or triple bonds in an unsaturated compound is converted to a single bond by the addition of other atoms or groups
addizione chimicachemical addition
aggressività chimicachemical corrosivity
aggressività chimicachemical corrosivity The tendency of a metal to wear away another by chemical attack
analisi chimicachemical analysis The complex of operations aiming to determine the kinds of constituents of a given substance
arma chimicachemical weapon Chemical agents of warfare include all gaseous, liquid or solid chemical substances which might be employed because of their direct toxic effects on man and animals. Chemical weapons also include the chemical's precursors, the munitions and devices designed to deliver them, and any equipment specifically designed for their use in warfare. Nerve agents (chemicals of the same family as organophosphorous insecticides) are the most lethal of the classical chemical warfare agents, killing by poisoning the nervous system and disrupting bodily functions. Other chemical weapons include blister agents, vesicants, choking agents, etc.
chimica ambientaleenvironmental chemistry Science dealing with the physical, chemical and biochemical processes that polluting substances undergo when introduced in the environment
chimica ambientaleenvironmental chemistry
chimica analiticaanalytical chemistry The branch of chemistry dealing with techniques which yield any type of information about chemical systems
chimica del suolosoil chemistry
chimica del suolosoil chemistry The study of the inorganic and organic components of the soil and its life cycles
chimica dell'atmosferaatmospheric chemistry
chimica dell'atmosferaair chemistry
chimica delle nubicloud chemistry
chimica delle nubichemistry of clouds
chimica delle precipitazioni atmosfericheprecipitation chemistry
chimica fisicaphysical chemistry
chimica fisicaphysical chemistry A science dealing with the effects of physical phenomena on chemical properties
chimica forestalewood chemistry
chimica generalegeneral chemistry
chimica generalegeneral chemistry The study of the elements and the compounds they form
chimica inorganicainorganic chemistry A branch of chemistry dealing with the chemical reactions and properties of all inorganic matter
chimica notturna degli inquinanti atmosfericinight-time chemistry of atmospheric pollutants
chimica organicaorganic chemistry A branch of chemistry dealing with the study of composition, reaction, properties, etc. of organic compounds
chimica stratosfericastratospheric chemistry
chimica stratosfericachemistry of the stratosphere
chimica verde"green" chemistry
Codice di prassi della società di tossicologia e chimica ambientaleSociety of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Code of Practice
compatibilità fisica e chimicaphysical and chemical compatibility
composizione chimicachemical composition The nature and proportions of the elements comprising a chemical compound
contaminazione chimicachemical contamination The addition or presence of chemicals to, or in, another substance to such a degree as to render it unfit for its intended purpose. Also refers to the result(s) of such an addition or presence
contaminazione chimicachemical contamination
decontaminazione chimicachemical decontamination Removal of chemical substances from a building, a watercourse, a person's clothes, etc.
degradazione chimicachemical degradation The act or process of simplifying or breaking down a molecule into smaller parts, either naturally or artificially
degradazione chimicachemical degradation
depurazione fisico-chimicaphysicochemical purification Used to concentrate waste brines and to remove solid organics and ammonia from aqueous solutions. Physical treatment consists of reverse osmosis, dialysis, electrodialysis, evaporation, carbon, adsorption, ammonia stripping, filtration, sedimentation, and flocculation. Chemical treatment consists of ion exchange, neutralization, oxidation, reduction, precipitation, and calcination
depurazione fisico-chimicaphysicochemical purification
dilavamento (chimicaleaching
domanda chimica di ossigenochemical oxygen demand
filtrazione (chimicafiltration
flocculazione chimicachemical floculation
impianto di trattamento dell'aria con acqua chimica a tre stadi con tre stratithree-stage,three-channel chemical washer
industria chimicachemical industry Industry related with the production of chemical compounds. The chemical processing industry has a variety of special pollution problems due to the vast number of products manufactured. The treatment processes combine processing, concentration, separation, extraction, by-product recovery, destruction, and reduction in concentration. The wastes may originate from solvent extraction, acid and caustic wastes, overflows, spills, mechanical loss, etc.
ingegneria chimicachemical engineering The branch of engineering concerned with industrial manufacture of chemical products. It is a discipline in which the principles of mathematical, physical and natural sciences are used to solve problems in applied chemistry. Chemical engineers design, develop, and optimise processes and plants, operate them, manage personnel and capital, and conduct research necessary for new developments. Through their efforts, new petroleum products, plastics, agricultural chemicals, house-hold products, pharmaceuticals, electronic and advanced materials, photographic materials, chemical and biological compounds, various food and other products evolve
ingegneria chimicachemical engineering
installazione chimicachemical installation
installazione chimicachemical installation Building where chemicals are manufactured
interazione chimica dei singoli inquinantichemical interaction of individual contaminants
istituto di chimica ambientaleInstitute of Environmental Chemistry
misura chimica dell'inquinamentochemical measurement of pollution
oceanografia chimicachemical oceanography
politica della chimicachemical policy
precipitazione chimicaprecipitation chemical
Progetto internazionale per la chimica dell'atmosfera globaleInternational Global Atmosphere Chemistry project
Programma internazionale per lo studio della chimica dell'atmosfera globale IGACInternational Global Atmospheric Chemistry Programme
proprietà ecotossicologica di una sostanza chimicaecotoxicological property of a chemical substance
richiesta chimica di ossigenochemical oxygen demand The quantity of oxygen used in biological and non-biological oxidation of materials in water; a measure of water quality
richiesta chimica di ossigenochemical oxygen demand
riduzione chimicachemical reduction
riduzione chimicachemical reduction Chemical reaction in which an element gains an electron
rifiuti da PFFU di prodotti della chimica fine e prodotti chimici non specificati altrimentiwastes from the MFSU of fine chemicals and chemical products not otherwise specified
rifiuti da PFFU di prodotti della chimica fine e prodotti chimici non specificati altrimentiwaste from the MFSU of fine chemicals and chemical products not otherwise specified
rifiuti da PFFU di prodotti della chimica fine e prodotti chimici non specificati altrimentiwastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use of fine chemicals and chemical products not otherwise specified
Simposio sulle piogge acide dell'Accademia reale della chimicaRoyal Society Symposium on Acid Rain
Società di tossicologia e chimica ambientaleSociety of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
sostanza chimicachemical Any substance used in or resulting from a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules
sostanza chimica ad alto grado di tossicitàchemical product with high toxicity
sostanza chimica nell'ambienteenvironmental chemical
sostanza chimica pericolosadangerous chemical substance
sostituibilità (chimicasubstitutability chemistry
struttura chimicachemical structure
struttura chimicachemical structure The arrangement of atoms in a molecule of a chemical compound
toeletta chimicachemical toilet