
Terms for subject Microsoft containing carico | all forms | exact matches only
Analizzatore test di caricoLoad Test Analyzer (A Visual Studio window that displays results of any load test run, after it has run. It is used to examine any load test results that have already ended)
Bilanciamento carico di reteNLB (A Windows network component that uses a distributed algorithm to load-balance Internet Protocol (IP) traffic across a number of hosts, helping to enhance the scalability and availability of mission-critical, IP-based services, such as Remote Desktop Services, Web services, virtual private networking, and streaming media. It also provides high availability by detecting host failures and automatically redistributing traffic to the surviving hosts)
Bilanciamento carico di reteNetwork Load Balancing (A Windows network component that uses a distributed algorithm to load-balance Internet Protocol (IP) traffic across a number of hosts, helping to enhance the scalability and availability of mission-critical, IP-based services, such as Remote Desktop Services, Web services, virtual private networking, and streaming media. It also provides high availability by detecting host failures and automatically redistributing traffic to the surviving hosts)
bilanciamento carico esternoexternal load balancer (A load-balancing mechanism that is located externally to a firewall server, e.g. a hardware-based solution)
bilanciamento del caricoload balancing (In distributed processing, the distribution of activity across two or more servers in order to avoid overloading any one with too many requests from users)
bilanciamento del caricoload balancer (A device or software that distributes the work between several computers, processes, hard disks, or other resources to get optimal resource utilization. A network load balancer, in the context of Application Request Routing, is a proxy-based load balancer that distributes network traffic among several Web servers)
bilanciamento del carico staticostatic load balancing (The process of manually moving a group between nodes to balance the load across the nodes)
bilanciare il caricoload balance (To redistribute work to available resources or to reschedule to available times)
Caricare automaticamente in SkyDriveAutomatically upload to SkyDrive (" In "Pictures + Camera" settings, a toggle switch that gives option to automatically upload all pictures to SkyDrive.")
caricare contenuto in backgroundprefetch (To load content in the background before a user sees it)
carico di capacitàcapacity load (The maximum amount of scheduled work that a work center can perform at a required capacity level)
carico di lavoroworkload (Composition of often related [server] roles that run together on a single server or set of related servers. Each workload corresponds to an overall business/product area. Network is an example of a workload. While small or medium businesses might run an entire workload on a single machine, this would be unusual for a large enterprise. Workloads are often managed by the same group within IT, and a large business might have a separate operations team and purchasing decision maker for each workload)
carico utilepayload (Goods carried by a vehicle that are not essential to the vehicle's operation)
Creazione guidata test di caricoLoad Test Wizard (A wizard that guides you through the process of creating a load test)
data caricoreceipt date (The date transferred goods are received in a warehouse. Receipt date applies to transfer orders)
Editor test di caricoLoad Test Editor (The Visual Studio editor in which a .loadtest file is opened. It displays a tree structure of nodes)
Governor del carico di lavoroworkload governor (A Microsoft SQL Server tool designed to limit the performance of an instance of the database engine any time more than eight operations are active at the same time)
gruppo di carico di lavoroworkload group (In Resource Governor, a container for session requests that are similar according to the classification rules that are applied to each request. A workload group allows the aggregate monitoring of resource consumption and a uniform policy that is applied to all the requests in a group)
modello di caricoload pattern (The number of virtual users that are active during a load test and the rate at which new users are started)
Monitor test di caricoLoad Test Monitor (A Visual Studio window that displays results during a load test run)
polizza di caricobill of lading (A business document issued by a carrier to a shipper that serves as the document of title)
profilo di caricoload profile (The simulated workload for a load or stress test. The load profile can be constant or increased dynamically through stepping)
profilo di distribuzione carico centrale 1bell contour (A contour that follows the general shape of a bell curve)
profilo di distribuzione carico centrale 2turtle contour (A contour that is tapered slightly at the beginning and end of the curve, resembling the shape of a turtle shell)
profilo di distribuzione carico inizialefront-loaded contour (A contour that begins at its highest point, and then slopes downward)
ritiro a carico del clientewill call (A shipping method that indicates an order will be picked up instead of being shipped)
scenario di test di caricoload test scenario (A scenario used to model how a group of users interacts with a server application. A scenario consists of a test mix, a load profile, a network mix, and a browser mix. A load test can have more than one scenario)
server con carico bilanciatoload-balanced Web server (One of a group of Web servers that make up a server farm and are published by the same publishing rule)
server di bilanciamento del caricoload balancing server (The server on which the load balancing process is carried out)
simulazione di caricoload simulation (An attempt to model the effect of many users accessing a server at the same time. Load tests do not generate actual load with actual users, but rather simulated load with virtual users)
test di caricoload testing (Testing at or beyond the limits of a specified requirement to understand its behavior and failure trigger points)
test di caricoload test (A test that studies the behavior of the program when it is working at its limits. Types of load tests include volume tests, stress tests, and storage tests. Volume tests study the largest tasks the program can deal with. Stress tests study the program's response to peak bursts of activity. Storage tests study how memory and space is used by the program, either in resident memory or on disk. A test that is designed to put a server application under heavy user load to pinpoint performance and/or scalability problems)