
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ambiente | all forms | exact matches only
ambiente compostocomposed environment (A virtual environment that was created from virtual machines. Those virtual machines were created outside of Microsoft Test Manager and are already deployed on a host group)
ambiente di avviostartup environment (In dual-boot or multiple-boot systems, the configuration settings that specify which system to start and how each system should be started)
ambiente di emulazione Windows AzureWindows Azure emulation environment (The Windows Azure compute and storage emulators that are installed as part of the Windows Azure SDK)
ambiente di gestione temporaneastaging environment (A deployment area in a Windows Azure cloud service that mirrors the production environment and allows the service to be tested before deploying it to production)
ambiente di integrazioneIntegration environment (An environment that is intended for internal testing, integration, evaluations, and demonstration computers. It is also used the first time you complete the process of creating the master image and testing the image and recovery process)
ambiente di isolamento retenetwork isolation environment (A virtual environment that is run with network isolation, thereby protecting it from network conflicts)
ambiente di produzioneproduction environment (A deployment area in which a Windows Azure cloud service is released live to serve external end-users or clients)
ambiente di produzioneProduction data center environment (A data center environment that supports computers running Microsoft FlexGo technology that have been sold to customers)
ambiente di produzionePROD data center environment (A data center environment that supports computers running Microsoft FlexGo technology that have been sold to customers)
ambiente di sviluppo isolatoisolated development environment (A private copy of the database that is created from the database project and typically filled with data by using a data generation plan)
ambiente di testingtest environment (An environment that corresponds as closely as possible to the production environment and within which system and user acceptance tests can be carried out)
ambiente distribuitodeployed environment (A group of virtual machines located on a team project host group and controlled by Microsoft Test Manager. A deployed environment can be running or stopped)
ambiente hosthosting environment (A Web or desktop application, such as a Windows Forms application, into which an InfoPath form is embedded)
ambiente lablab environment (An environment, consisting of virtual machines, that is managed by a lab service)
ambiente non di produzionenonproduction environment (An environment of one or more computers in which the computers are not available for business operations, but are instead used for developing and testing applications)
Ambiente preinstallazione di WindowsWindows Preinstallation Environment (A minimal Win32 operating system with limited services that's used to prepare a computer for Windows installation, to copy disk images from a network file server, and to initiate Windows Setup)
Ambiente ripristino WindowsWindows Recovery Environment (A special version of Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) that includes diagnostic, troubleshooting, and maintenance tools)
Ambiente ripristino WindowsWindows RE (A special version of Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) that includes diagnostic, troubleshooting, and maintenance tools)
ambiente standardstandard environment (A collection of computers on which you can run and manage tests as a single entity)
ambiente virtualevirtual environment (An environment composed of virtual machines)
Integrated Development Environment, ambiente di sviluppo integratointegrated development environment (A set of integrated tools for developing software. The tools are generally run from one user interface and consist of a compiler, an editor, and a debugger, among others)
modello di ambienteenvironment template (A resource, consisting of virtual machines, that is stored in a team project library share and can be used to create new virtual environments)
snapshot dell'ambienteenvironment snapshot (A file-based snapshot of the state, disk data, and configuration of all virtual machines in an environment at a specific point in time)
Taratura guidata ambienteRoom Calibration Wizard (A wizard that helps optimize the listening experience for a particular location in the room by playing a set of specially designed tones from each loudspeaker in turn to measure the distance, frequency response, and overall gain of each loudspeaker from the location of a microphone placed where the user intends to sit)
variabile di ambienteenvironment variable (One of a set of dynamic values maintained by the operating system that provides configuration and status information)
Visualizzatore dell'ambienteenvironment viewer (An application that enables a user to start, pause, stop, or create a snapshot of the virtual machines in an environment)