
Terms for subject Environment containing alloggiare | all forms
alloggio a basso costolow-cost housing Residences built at minimal expense and designed to keep the rental rate or price of purchase affordable for persons with limited means, usually determined by an annual income level set below the local median
alloggio a basso costolow-cost housing
alloggio di emergenzaemergency lodging Housing or dwelling space provided for victims of a sudden, urgent and usually unexpected occurrence, especially when harm has been done to human life, property or the environment
alloggio di emergenzaemergency lodging
alloggio per animalianimal housing Any kind of shelter, refuge affording protection to animals
alloggio per animalianimal housing
alloggio ruralecountry lodge
alloggio ruralecountry lodge A small house or a hut located in the countryside
alloggio temporaneotemporary housing (sistemazione)
alloggio temporaneo (sistemazionetemporary housing
finanziamento per l'alloggiohousing finance
fornitura di alloggiolodging
fornitura di alloggiolodging Provision of accommodation for rest or for residence in a room or rooms or in a dwelling place