
Terms containing acid | all forms | exact matches only
met.acciaio a suola acidaacid steel
met.acciaio di suola acidaacid open-hearth steel acid Siemens-Martin steel
market., fin.acid testquick ratio
fin.acid testacid-test ratio (Cash + marketable securities + accounts receivable/Current liabilities)
fin.acid testacid-test ratio Cash + marketable securities + accounts receivable/Current liabilities
food.ind., chem.acidi betalupulone
food.ind., chem.acidi grassiE 570
health., chem.acido acetilsalicilicoaspirin
food.ind., chem.acido adipicoE 355
chem.acido adipicoE355
food.ind., chem.acido alfahumulone
chem.acido ascorbicoE300
med.acido brillante BS verdeE142
chem.acido carbolicophenol
chem.acido ciclamico e suoi sali di Na-e Ca-E952
chem.acido cloridricoE 507
chem., met.acido cloridricoE507
chem.acido di meleE296
chem.acido DL-malicoE296
chem.acido fenicophenol
chem.acido grassoE570
chem.acido grasso monoinsaturomonounsaturates
gen.acido grasso superiorelipid
gen.acido grasso superiorefat
food.ind., chem.acido guanilicoE 626
chem.acido guanilicoE626
chem.acido l-ascorbicoE 300
chem.acido malicoE296
agric., food.ind., chem.acido malicoE 296
sociol., med.acido nicotiniconicotinamide
health., food.ind.acido nicotiniconiacin
chem., el.acido picricolyddite
chem.Acido picrico6-Trinitrophenol
chem., el.acido picrinicolyddite
chem., el.acido picronitricolyddite
cultur.acido pirogallicopyrogallol
chem.acido stearico greggiostearin
met.acqua acida saturawaste water containing acid
med.agglutinazione acidaacid agglutination
med.anidride acidaacid anhydride
coal.argilla acidaacid clay
fish.farm.aringhe alla cream acidaherring in sour cream sauce
textileazione acidaeffect of acids
chem.bagno di fissazione acidaacid fixing bath
chem.benzina acidasour gasoline (US)
food.ind.birra acidaacid beer
agric.burro fabbricato partendo da panna acidasour cream butter
industr.carta acidaacid paper
gen.carta non acidapermanent paper
gen.carta non acidaalkaline paper
gen.carta non acidaacid-free paper (Paper with a low or zero level of acid. This does not imply that paper is alkaline-buffered)
agric.caseina acidaacid casein
med.cheratina acidaacidic keratin
nat.res., agric., food.ind.ciliegia acidasour cherry
agric.ciliegia acidamorello cherry
agric.ciliegie acidemorello cherries
agric.ciliegie acidesour cherries
agric.ciliegie acideacid cherries
industr., construct.colla acidarosin size
book.bind.collatura acidaacid size
chem.condizioni debolmente acidemild acidic conditions
health., anim.husb.covata acidabenign foulbrood of bees
health., anim.husb.covata acidaEuropean foulbrood
health., anim.husb.covata acidaMelissococcus pluton infection
health., anim.husb.covata acidaEuropean foulbrood of bees
health., anim.husb.covata acidaEuropean foul brood
agric.crema acidasour cream
book.bind.cuoio acid freeacid-free leather
health., med.deficit di maltasi acidaglycogenosis type II
health., med.deficit di maltasi acidaglycogen storage disease type II
health., med.deficit di maltasi acidaPompe disease
health., med.deficit di maltasi acidaacid maltase deficiency
life.sc., environ.deposizione acidaacid fallout
life.sc., environ.deposizione acidaacidic deposition
life.sc., environ.deposizione acidaacid deposition
environ.deposizione acidaacid deposition A type of pollution which washes out of the atmosphere as dilute sulphuric and nitric acids. It tends to be a regional rather than a global phenomenon, linked to particular industrial activities and meteorological conditions. It includes rain, more than normally acidic snow, mist, sleet, fog, gas and dry particles. It upsets the balance of nature, disrupting ecosystems, and destroys forests and woodlands, plants and crops; kills aquatic life by altering the chemical balance of lakes and rivers and corrodes building materials and fabrics. The pollutants are caused principally by discharges from power station chimneys of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides released by burning fossil fuels, coal and oil
life.sc., environ.deposizione acidaacid deposit
environ.deposizione acida per via seccadry acidic deposition
environ.deposizione acida per via seccadry acidic fallout
environ.deposizione acida per via seccadry acid deposition
environ.deposizione acida per via umidawet acidic deposition
environ.deposizione acida per via umidawet acidic fallout
environ.deposizione acida per via umidawet acid deposition
econ., chem.digestione acidaacid digestion
chem.emulsione acidacationic emulsion
chem.emulsione acidaacidec emulsion
med.eruttazione acidaoxyrygmia
met.fanghiglia acidaacid sludge
environ.fase acidaacid stage
environ.fermentazione acidaacid stage
med.fosfatasi acidaacid phosphatase
met.ghisa acidaacid pig iron
chem.idrazidi acideacid hydrazides
environ., agric.idrolisi acidaacid hydrolysis
chem.idrolisi acidaacidolysis
met.isoidria delle soluzioni acideisohydry of acid solutions
el.Leggermente acidaweakly acidic
agric.lima acidalime (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus aurantiifolia, Citrus medica var. acida)
agric.limetta acidalime (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus aurantiifolia, Citrus medica var. acida)
environ.lisciviazione acida sotto pressioneacidic leaching under pressure
met.loppa acidaacid slag
agric.macerazione acidaacid steeping
met.melma acidaacid sludge
met.miscela acidaacid mixture
environ.piogge acideacid rain
environ.pioggia acidaacid deposition
environ.pioggia acidaacidic precipitation
environ.pioggia acidaacid rain Rain having a pH less than 5.6. The acidity results from chemical reactions occurring when water, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, generally released by industrial processes, are chemically transformed into sulphuric and nitric acids
econ.pioggia acidaacid rain
med.portata acida al piccopeak acid output
med.portata acida al piccopeak acid outflow
stat.programma nazionale di valutazione delle pioggie acideNational Acid Precipitation Assessment Program
med.proteasi acidaaspartic proteinase
med.proteasi acidaaspartyl protease
med.proteasi acidacarboxyl protease
med.proteasi acidaaspartic andopeptidase
med.proteasi acidaacid proteinase
med.proteina acida fibrillare glialeglial fibrillary acidic protein
med.proteina fibrillare acida della gliaglial fibrillary acidic protein
health., nat.sc.proteina gliale fibrillare acidaGlial Fribrillary Acidic Protein
market., fin.rapporto acid testquick ratio
market., fin.rapporto acid testacid-test ratio
chem.ricadute acideacid precipitation
tech., chem.ricerca della cinetica sulla corrosione del nickel in soluzioni acide alcolichekinetic research on the corrosion of nickel in alcoholic acid solutions
met.rocce acideacidic rocks
met.rocce acideacid rocks
life.sc.roccia acidasilicic rocks
life.sc.roccia acidaacid rocks
met.scoria acidaacid slag
environ.secrezione acida basaleBasal Acid Output
med.secrezione acida di piccopeak acid output
med.secrezione acida di piccopeak acid outflow
environ.Simposio sulle piogge acide dell'Accademia reale della chimicaRoyal Society Symposium on Acid Rain
textilesolubilità acidaacid solubility
chem.soluzione acidaacid solution
chem.soluzione acquosa acidaaqueous acid solution
chem.soluzione citrata acidacitrate solution of acid reaction
environ.soluzioni acide di decapaggioacidic pickling solutions
environ.soluzioni acide di scartowaste acidic solutions
environ.soluzioni acide di scartowastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use MFSU of acids
el.chem.sostanza acidaacidic substance
el.chem.sostanza acidaacid
met.suola acidaacid bottom
met.suola e pareti acideacid bottom and walls
met.suola e pareti acideacid bottom and lining
industr.tecnica acidaacid treatment
chem.tinte acideacid dyes
tech., chem.titolare con una soluzione acidato titrate with an acid solution
geophys.torbiera acidabog
geophys.torbiera acidapeat bog
environ.torbiera acidabog A commonly used term in Scotland and Ireland for a stretch waterlogged, spongy ground, chiefly composed of decaying vegetable matter, especially of rushes, cotton grass, and sphagnum moss
agric.torbiera acida di sfagnisphagnum acid bog