
Terms for subject Environment containing Legge | all forms | exact matches only
applicazione della leggelaw enforcement Any variety of activities associated with promoting compliance and obedience to the binding rules of a state, especially the prevention, investigation, apprehension or detention of individuals suspected or convicted of violating those rules
applicazione della leggelaw enforcement
applicazione delle leggi ambientalienvironmental law enforcement Any variety of activities associated with promoting compliance and obedience to those binding rules of a state that have been promulgated to safeguard ecological integrity, preserve natural resources and protect human health
applicazione delle leggi ambientalienvironmental law enforcement
armonizzazione delle leggiharmonisation of law The process by which two or more states, sometimes under the auspices of an interstate or international organization, change their legislation relevant to some area of common concern to conform their statutes and to facilitate compliance and enforcement across borders
armonizzazione delle leggiharmonisation of law
bozza di leggedraft legislation
bozza di leggedraft legislation An initial unsigned agreement, treaty, or piece of legislation which is not yet in force
braccio distributore del letto percolatoresprinkler arm
braccio distributore del letto percolatorerotary distributor
braccio distributore del letto percolatoredistributor arm
braccio distributore del letto percolatorefilter arm
braccio distributore del letto percolatorebacteria bed arm
combustione a letto fluidizzatofluid bed combustion
combustione a letto fluidofluidised bed combustion
combustione a letto fluidofluidized-bed combustion
combustione a letto fluidofluidized bed combustion
combustione a letto fluidofluid bed combustion
cristallizzazione dei fanghi in un reattore a letto fluidificatocrystallization in a fluidized bed reactor
cristallizzazione dei fanghi in un reattore a letto fluidificatocrystallisation in a fluidised bed reactor
filtro con letto a compostacompost filter
flocculazione in letto di fangosludge-blanket flocculation
inceneritore a letto fluidofluidised bed roaster
lavatorio ad umido a letto galleggiantefloating-bed wet scrubber
Legge del 22 marzo 1991 sulla radioprotezioneRadiological Protection Act of 22 March 1991
legge di buys ballotbuys ballot's law
legge esecutivaimplementation law
legge federale per la protezione contro le immissionifederal law for the protection against emissions
legge finanziariafinancial law
legge generale contenente disposizioni sull'igiene dell'ambienteEnvironmental Protection General Provisions Act
legge in materia di inquinamento delle acque superficialiPollution of Surface Waters Act
legge quadroframework legislation A body of rules prescribed by a government, often composed in a series of inter-related parts, to establish or lay the foundation for a new project, agency or organizational structure
legge quadroframework legislation
legge sui foraggiforage law
legge sui prodotti chimicichemicals act
legge sul controllo delle immissioniimmission control law
legge sul riciclaggio e sui rifiutirecycling management and waste law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by government to establish and regulate provisions for the minimization of waste generation through recovery and reprocessing of re-usable products
legge sul riciclaggio e sui rifiutirecycling management and waste law
legge sulla protezione della naturaNature Conservancy Act 1967
legge sulla VIAEIA law Law concerning the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, based on the EC Directive n. 85/337
legge sulla VIAEIA law
legge sulle merci pericolosedangerous goods law
legge sullo smaltimento dei rifiutiwaste disposal act
legge sullo smaltimento dei rifiutiwaste disposal act Law that settles the rules concerning the disposal, recycling and treatment of wastes
legge sull'uso dei fertilizzantifertiliser law
legge-tipo contro gli incendiarimodel arson law
legge-tipo sui fuochi artificialimodel fireworks law
Leggi sull'aria pulitaClean Air Acts
letto battericobacterial bed A device that removes some suspended solids from sewage. Air and bacteria decompose additional wastes filtering through the sand so that cleaner water drains from the bed
letto batterico ad alta efficienzahigh-efficiency bacterial filter
letto di contattocontact filter
letto di contattofill and draw contact bed
letto di contattocontact bed
letto di essiccamento dei fanghi con coperturacovered sludge drying bed
letto di fanghisludge blanket
letto fluidofluidised bed 1. A system for burning solid carbonaceous fuel efficiently and at a relatively low temperature, thus minimizing the emission of pollutants. The fuel is crushed to very small particles or a powder and mixed with particles of an inert material. The mixture is fed into a bed through which air is pumped vertically upwards, agitating the particles so they behave like a fluid. The forced circulation of air and the small size and separation of fuel particles ensures efficient burning. 2. A bed of finely divided solid through which air or a gas is blown in a controlled manner so that it behaves as a liquid
letto fluidofluidised bed
letto fluido circolanterecirculating fluidised bed
letto fluido sotto pressionepressurised fluidised bed
letto fluido stazionariostationary fluidised bed
letto percolatorepercolating filter
letto percolatorebiological filter
mediante letto artificiale di macrofitiin the form of artificial macrophyte bed
progetto di leggelaw draft The form in which proposed statutes, resolutions or special acts are introduced into a legislative body, before they are enacted or passed
reattore filtrante su letto mobilemoving-bed biofilm reactor
stazione di sollevamento per letto battericopercolating filter pump
vasca a letto filtrantepercolating filter tank