
Terms for subject General containing 2 | all forms
2)acconti a fornitoriadvances and payments on account in respect of intangible assets
ai fini enunciati all'articolo 2for the purposes set out in Article 2
apparecchiatura terminale di tipo 2terminal equipment 2
apparecchiatura terminale di tipo 2TE2
2)clienti c/ fatture da emettereaccrued income for goods
Comitato di collegamento BR2BR-2 Liaison Committee
conformemente alle disposizioni degli articoli l2,l3 e l4in accordance with the provisions of Articles l2, l3 and l4
2)contributi sociali e trattamento di fine rapportosocial security and other benefits
COOKCHOH2 COOKneutral potassium tartrate
COOKCHOH2 COOKdipotassium tartrate
2)Erario c/ acconto IVAvalue added tax payable
2)Erario c/ imposte sul redditoState-income tax
2)Erario c/ imposte sul redditoGovernment-corporation tax
2)Erario c/ IVAState-sales tax
2)Erario c/ IVAGovernment-turnover tax-VAT
2)Erario c/ ritenute redditi lavoroGovernment-taxes recoverable from third parties
2)fondo svalutazione crediti v/ clientiprovision for loss in value of customer accounts
2)fornitori c/ fatture da ricevereaccruals for goods and services for which invoices have not yet been received
2)fornitori-effetti da pagaretrade creditors-bills of exchange payable
ID CO2prebirth
ID CO2prenatal
ID CO2sexual ability
ID CO2potency
impianto di spegnimento a CO2CO2 extinguishing system
interfaccia S2S2 reference point
interfaccia S2S2 interface
2)IVA c/ acquisitivalue added tax deductible
2)IVA c/ venditevalue added tax collected by the company
2)merci c/ venditesales of goods purchased for resale
metodo fotometrico al 2,2-bipiridile2, 2 - Bipyridyl spectrophotometric method
NACE Revisione 2NACE Revision 2
NACE Revisione 2statistical classification of economic activities in the European Union
NACE Revisione 2statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community
NiCN2nickle cyanide
NT2network terminator 2
NT2network termination type 2 unit
2)oneri socialisocial security contributions
2)partecipazioni diverseother investments
Per quanto riguarda Bulgaria e Romania, il presente STRUMENTO costituisce un atto basato sull'acquis di Schengen o ad esso altrimenti connesso ai sensi dell'articolo 4, paragrafo 2 dell'Atto di adesione del 2005As regards Bulgaria and Romania, this INSTRUMENT constitutes an act building upon the Schengen acquis or otherwise related to it, within the meaning of Article 4 of the 2005 Act of Accession
2)personale c/ anticipipersonnel-advances and payments on account
2)personale c/ depositipersonnel-deposits
2)personale c/ ricorsipersonnel-blocked accounts
2)prodotti finiti c/ venditesales of manufactured finished goods
R2risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition
respiratore a filtro A/P2 per vapori organici e polveri nociveA/P2 filter respirator for organic vapour and harmful dust
respiratore a filtro P2 per particelle nociveP2 filter respirator for harmful particles
S1/2keep locked up and out of reach of children
S2keep out of reach of children
salvo contrarie disposizioni del regolamento stabilito in esecuzione dell'articolo 2O9unless the regulations made pursuant to Article 2O provide otherwise
2)semilavorati c/ venditesales of work in progress
SF-F2Swiss Forum for Communications Law
2)soci-c/ capitaleshareholders-capital accounts
2)soci-c/ dividendishareholders-dividends payable
SRG SSR idée suisse^2SRG SSR idée suisse
SRG SSR idée suisse^2Swiss Broadcasting Corporation
stearoil-2-lattilato di calciocalcium stearoyl-2-lactylate
stearoil-2-lattilato di calcioE 482
stearoil-2-lattilato di sodiosodium stearoyl-2-lactylate
stearoil-2-lattilato di sodioE 481
TE2terminal equipment 2
terminazione di rete 2network terminator 2
terminazione di rete 2network termination type 2 unit
terminazione di rete 2NT2
terminazione NT2network terminator 2
terminazione NT2network termination type 2 unit
terminazione NT2NT2
Ufficio d'armamento 2Defense Procurement Group 2