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Terms for subject Microsoft containing 1 | all forms
AppFabric 1.1 per Windows ServerAppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server (The 1.1 version of Windows Server AppFabric which contains: read-through and write-behind provider support, graceful shutdown, domain account support, new ASP.NET session state and output caching providers, compression, and multiple cache client application configuration sections)
caratteri Type 1Type 1 fonts (Scalable fonts designed to work with PostScript devices)
cartuccia da 1/4 di pollicequarter inch cartridge (A storage technology used with tape backup drives and cartridges. A means of backing up data on computer systems, QIC represents a set of standards devised to enable tapes to be used with drives from different manufacturers. The QIC standards specify the length of tape, the number of recording tracks, and the magnetic strength of the tape coating, all of which determine the amount of information that can be written to the tape. Older QIC-80 drives can hold up to 340 MB of compressed data. Newer versions can hold more than 1 GB of information)
commutatore che supporta 802.1X802.1X-capable switch (A network access server that adheres to both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1X and the Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) standards, and that is deployed in networks to enforce 802.1X authenticated IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet access)
Decodificatore schermo applicazioni Microsoft 1Microsoft Application Screen Decoder 1 (A video decoder designed for playing back the desktop or application part of the recordings generated by Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 or later versions)
forma 1D1-D shape (Either a straight line you draw or a shape that has a beginning point and ending point and can be glued between two shapes to connect them)
intestazione P1P1 header (" The information contained in an e-mail message that is required to send and deliver a message between messaging servers by using SMTP protocol commands. The message envelope contains the sender e-mail address and the recipient e-mail address information. Recipients never see the message envelope, because it is not part of the message content, and it is discarded when the message reaches its destination. The X.400 messaging standard equivalent to the message envelope is called the "P1 header." The message envelope is often referred to as the "P1 header.")
notazione A1A1 notation (An alphanumeric convention for referencing the location of cells in a worksheet. The column is represented by a letter (A through IV, for a total of 256 columns) and the row is represented by a number (1 through 65536))
notazione R1C1R1C1 notation (" A convention for referencing the location of cells in a worksheet in which both the rows and the columns on the worksheet are numbered. The location of a cell is indicated with an "R" followed by a row number and a "C" followed by a column number.")
0 o 1 corrispondenza0 or 1 Matches (" A menu item that allows the user to search for a pattern A to be represented in pattern B 0 or 1 times. Patterns could be strings, characters, etc. For example, if you want to find any strings that meet the criteria " AB 0 or 1 matches in string", then "CCC", "ABC" meet the criteria, while "ABCAB" doesn't meet.")
1 o più corrispondenze1 or More Matches (A menu item that allows the user to search for a pattern A to be represented in pattern B 1 or more times. Patterns could be strings, characters, etc)
Office 365 Enterprise E1 - Versione di valutazioneOffice 365 Enterprise E1 Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need communication and collaboration tools accessible from PCs, the Web and mobile devices)
Office 365 Enterprise K1 - Versione di valutazioneOffice 365 Enterprise K1 Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for people in your business without a dedicated PC that need occasional access to Web email and internal sites)
profilo di distribuzione carico centrale 1bell contour (A contour that follows the general shape of a bell curve)
punto di accesso wireless che supporta 802.1X802.1X-capable wireless access point (A network access server that adheres to both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.1X and the Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) standards, and that is deployed in networks to enforce 802.1X authenticated IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet access)
standard IEEE 802.1XIEEE 802.1X security standard (An Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard that defines port-based network access control which either allows or denies connection requests to IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet networks or IEEE 802.11 wireless networks)
stile di riferimento A1A1 reference style (An alphanumeric convention for referencing the location of cells in a worksheet. The column is represented by a letter (A through IV, for a total of 256 columns) and the row is represented by a number (1 through 65536))
stile di riferimento R1C1R1C1 reference style (" A convention for referencing the location of cells in a worksheet in which both the rows and the columns on the worksheet are numbered. The location of a cell is indicated with an "R" followed by a row number and a "C" followed by a column number.")