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Terms for subject General containing 3H | all forms
Ag3PO4silver phosphate
Arbejdsgruppe vedrørende artikel 14, stk. 3Working Party on Article 14
barselflåd, udflod i 3 - 6 uger efter fødselpost-birth vaginal discharge
barselflåd, udflod i 3 - 6 uger efter fødsellochia
3-D kodex-system3-D code system
3D-videokommunikation3D video-communication
E3+3three plus three group
E3+3five plus one group
E3/EU+3three plus three group
E3/EU+3five plus one group
EU3+3three plus three group
EU3+3five plus one group
3-fasenetthree-phase network
3 F-bombethree-F bomb
3 F-bombefission fusion fission bomb
G 3Group of Three
Haagerkonventionen af 14.3.1978 om fuldmagtsforholdConvention on the Law Applicable to Agency
3 %-handlingsplanthree per cent action plan
3 %-handlingsplanInvesting in research: an action plan for Europe
i overensstemmelse med bestemmelserne i artiklerne l2,l3 og l4in accordance with the provisions of Articles l2, l3 and l4
i stykke 3, sidste afsnitin the last subparagraph of paragraph 3
Kontor A3Unit A3
Kontor A3Working Conditions, Rights and Training
Kontor B3Unit B3
Kontor B3Registry, Member services, National Delegations
Kontor D3Unit D3
Kontor D3Administration, Budget, Publications
Kontor E3Unit E3
Kontor E3ARLEM, Decentralised cooperation, Contact group with Council of Europe
3-lande-GruppenGroup of Three
P3 luftfiltrerende åndedrætsværn mod giftige partiklerP3 filter respirator for toxic particles
protokol II som ændret den 3. maj 1996Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby Traps and other Devices, as amended on 3 May 1996
protokol II som ændret den 3. maj 1996Protocol II as amended on 3 May 1996
protokol nr. 3 til den europæiske rammekonvention om samarbejde over landegrænser mellem kommuner eller andre lokale myndigheder vedrørende euroregionale samarbejdsgrupperProtocol No. 3 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning Euroregional Co-operation Groupings ECGs
protokol om forbud mod eller begrænsninger i anvendelsen af miner, lureminer og andre mekanismer som ændret den 3. maj 1996Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby Traps and other Devices, as amended on 3 May 1996
protokol om forbud mod eller begrænsninger i anvendelsen af miner, lureminer og andre mekanismer som ændret den 3. maj 1996Protocol II as amended on 3 May 1996
protokol udarbejdet på grundlag af artikel K.3 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union om anvendelsesområdet for hvidvaskning af udbyttet fra kriminalitet i konventionen om brug af informationsteknologi på toldområdet og om tilføjelse af transportmidlets registreringsnummer i konventionens liste over oplysningerProtocol drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the scope of the laundering of proceeds in the Convention on the use of information technology for customs purposes and the inclusion of the registration number of the means of transport in the Convention
protokol udarbejdet på grundlag af artikel K.3 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, til konventionen om beskyttelse af De Europæiske Fællesskabers finansielle interesserProtocol to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests
protokol udarbejdet på grundlag af artikel K.3 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, til konventionen om beskyttelse af De Europæiske Fællesskabers finansielle interesserProtocol drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests
R3extreme risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition
S3/9/14/49keep only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturer
S3/9/49keep only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place
S3/14keep in a cool place away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturer
S3/7/9keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated place
S3/9/14keep in a cool, well-ventilated place away from... incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturer
S3/9keep in a cool, well-ventilated place
S3keep in a cool place
søjle 3Third Pillar
3-søjle-strukturthree-pillar structure