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Terms for subject Statistics containing 2,2 | all forms
additionssætning for X2 fordelingenadditive properties of x2
andet jordbrug i km2other land use-sq km
D2 stikprøvefunktionD2 statistic
dyrket areal i km2cropland land use-sq km
foldningsegenskab af χ ²--fordelingenadditive property of χ²
fordringer på den private sektor i pct.af M2claims on private sector as % of M2
fordringer på udenlandske stater og offentlig sektor i øvrigt i pct.af M2claims on governments,etc.as % of M2
forsøg med fuldstændig 2-faktorstrukturtwo-factorial experiment
generaliserede T2-fordelinggeneralized T² distribution
generaliseret T2 fordelinggeneralised T2 distribution
ikke-central x2 fordelingnon-central x2 distribution
ikke-central x2 fordelingnon central chi-square distribution
indenlandsk nettolångivning i pct.af M2net domestic credit as % of M2
khi2-stikprøvefunktionchi-squared statistic
L2 associations-arrangementL2 association scheme
Lancaster deling af X2Lancaster's partition of chi-squares
L2-associationsskemaL2 association scheme
log-x2 fordelinglog-chi squared distribution
minimal logit x2minimum logit chi-squared
minimal normit x2 estimatorminimum normit chi-square estimator
minimal x2minimum chi-squared
nettofordringer på udlandet i pct.af M2net foreign assets as % of M2
niveau 2AISCED level 2A
niveau 2AISCED 2A
niveau 2BISCED level 2B
niveau 2BISCED 2B
niveau 2CISCED level 2C
niveau 2CISCED 2C
opspaltning af x2partition of chi-squared
permanent græsningsareal i km2permanent pasture land use-sq km
sekventielt T2-testsequential T2 test
tilsætningsstof ejendom χ ²additive property of χ²
UN² testUN² test
undervisning på 2. niveausecond level second stage
undervisning på 2. niveausecond level first stage
U2N-testU2N test
Watsons UN² test IWatson's UN² test I
Watsons UN² test IIWatson's UN² test II
Watsons U2N-testWatson's U2N test
Wn2-testWn² test
2 X 5-faktormodel2 X 5 factorial design
X2 - fordelingChi-squared distribution
X2 - testChi-squared test