
   Danish English
Terms for subject Communications containing 2,2 | all forms
afgående internationalt R2-registeroutgoing international R2 register
afgående R2-registeroutgoing R2 register
ankommende R2-registerincoming R2 register
2 basic physical channels used for CCCH,not combined with SDCCHs2 basic physical channels used for CCCH not combined with SDCCHs
COMM-2 kommunikationsinterfaceCOMM-2 communication interface
cosec2 strålecosecant-squared beam
CT2 trådløs telefoncordless telephone-second generation
29/2 D beskrivelsetwo-and-a-half dimensional sketch
29/2 D beskrivelse29/2-D sketch
29/2 dimensional beskrivelsetwo-and-a-half dimensional sketch
29/2 dimensional beskrivelse29/2-D sketch
D2-MAC standardD2-MAC standard
D2-MAC standardDevelopment-phase 2 multiple analog component standard
D2-MAC-teknologiDevelopment stage 2-Multiple Analogue Components technology
D2-MAC-teknologiD2-MAC technology
F2sensing state
F2-lagF2 layer
2-frekvenssignaleringtwo-frequency signalling
2-frekvenssignaleringtwo-frequency signaling
Grønbog om liberalisering af teleinfrastruktur og kabel-tv-net - 2. del - Fælles principper for udbud af teleinfrastruktur i Den Europæiske UnionGreen Paper on the Liberalisation of Telecommunications Infrastructure and Cable Television Networks - Part II - A Common Approach to the Provision of Infrastructure for Telecommunications in the European Union
H2SH2S radar
ISDN2basic rate interface
lag 2layer 2
lag 2data link layer
MFC-R2 generatorMFC-R2 generator
MFC-R2 multifrekvensgeneratorMFC-R2 generator
mikrobillede af 2.generationsecond Nth generation image
mikrofilm af 2.generationfirst reproduction microfilm
multiplekser-2 modulmultiplexer-2 board
multiplekser-2 modulMUX-2 board
N2overlap sending
P2interpersonal messaging protocol
2 partsabonnentledningshared-service line
peer-elementer i lag 2 og 3peer elements of layer 2 and 3
pletfejl af type 2type 2 blemish
R2 sender/modtagerR2 sender-receiver
rest 2rest 2
rest 2restart
TBR8,5.2.1compatibility checking
TBR8,5.2.1compatibility check
tilpasset 2-4 trådsgaffelkoblingmatched 2-wire to 4-wire hybrid circuit
U2overlap sending
udgave i MPG-2MPEG-2 syntax