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Terms for subject General containing 2,2 | all forms
A/P2 filtrerende åndedrætsværn mod organiske dampe og sundhedsskadeligt støvA/P2 filter respirator for organic vapour and harmful dust
calciumstearoyl-2-lactylatE 482
COsub2sub-kreditoffset credit
COsub2sub-kreditcarbon offset credit
COsub2sub-kreditcarbon offset
NH42Cr2O4ammonium chromate
2-delt formsplit-cavity blocks
2-fasenettwo-phase network
flash-E2PROMflash EAROM
flash-E2PROMflash EEPROM
flash-E2PROMflash E2PROM
For så vidt angår Bulgarien og Rumænien er dette INSTRUMENT en retsakt, der bygger på Schengenreglerne eller på anden måde har tilknytning dertil, jf. artikel 4, stk. 2, i tiltrædelsesakten af 2005.As regards Bulgaria and Romania, this INSTRUMENT constitutes an act building upon the Schengen acquis or otherwise related to it, within the meaning of Article 4 of the 2005 Act of Accession
Forbindelsesudvalget BR2BR-2 Liaison Committee
6 + 2-gruppenSix plus Two Group
i overensstemmelse med bestemmelserne i artiklerne l2,l3 og l4in accordance with the provisions of Articles l2, l3 and l4
Kontor A2Unit A2
Kontor A2Recruitment and Career
Kontor D2Unit D2
Kontor D2Events, Fora, Open Days
Kontor E2Unit E2
Kontor E2Subsidiarity network, Europe 2020 Platform, Covenant of Mayors and EGTC
kriminalassistent af 2. gradDetective Constable
K2S2O8potassium persulphate
log c2 elementlog c2 element
med de i artikel 2 nævnte mål for øjefor the purposes set out in Article 2
medmindre andet er fastsat i det i medfør af artikel 2O9 udfærdigede regnskabsregulativunless the regulations made pursuant to Article 2O provide otherwise
NACE revision 2statistical classification of economic activities in the European Union
NACE revision 2NACE Revision 2
NACE revision 2statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community
natriumstearoyl-2-lactylatE 481
NiCN2nickle cyanide
P2 luftfiltrerende åndedrætsværn mod sundhedsfarlige partiklerP2 filter respirator for harmful particles
politiassistent af 2. gradPolice Constable
1,2-propandiolE 490
propan-1,2-diol propylenglycolE 490
R2risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition
S1/2keep locked up and out of reach of children
S2keep out of reach of children
S2 referencepunktS2 reference point
S2 referencepunktS2 interface
signalsystem R2signalling system R 2
stearoyl-2-lactylsyreE 480
vitamin D2vitamin D2
vitamin D2E 670
æg af 2. kvalitetsecond quality eggs
ødelæggelsesklargøringstilstand 2-armeretstate of readiness-state 2-armed