
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing это есть | all forms | in specified order only
в этом есть доля правдыthis has some truth to it (When I asked him how Russia proposed to pay for a prolonged war effort, he shot back: “We pay for it all from our sales of oil to Europe via India.” This was bravado, but it had some truth to it. nytimes.com ART Vancouver)
в этом не может быть сомненийof that there can be no doubt (UFOs are real, of that there can be no doubt. It all depends, though, on what you mean by 'real'... (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") ART Vancouver)
давайте не будем касаться этой темыlet's leave that aside (As for a suggestion that the property tax needs to be raised by 3 percent, let’s leave that aside. ART Vancouver)
надо было сначала подумать головой, что из этого получитсяshould have known better (The school was locked down by police. During their search, police located the staff member who they said had brought a vintage rifle into the school for a presentation. -- "Even if it’s old, you still can’t walk around with a gun. Dude should have known better." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
это была авантюраit was a crazy scheme (Leonid Dzhepko)
это была авантюраit was a reckless scheme (Leonid Dzhepko)
это была авантюраit was a reckless attempt (предложено Палажченко П.Р. Leonid Dzhepko)
это было к лучшемуit was for the best (A third brother—Vasco Anes Corte-Real—was willing to launch a second search party to recover his lost siblings, but the king of Portugal denied his request. Based on the family’s track record, it was probably for the best. -- возможно, это было к лучшему / пожалуй, так было лучше mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
этому не суждено было сбытьсяit wasn't meant to be (So, I returned to the Marine Corps, and did my best to disappear into obscurity. It wasn’t meant to be. Within a few months of my new assignment, I was visited by a CIA team, who briefed me on growing concerns that Iraq was hiding weapons and seeking my advice on how they should go about organizing to uncover evidence of their existence. swentr.site ART Vancouver)