
Terms for subject Parapsychology containing экстрасенсорная | all forms
экстрасенсорное восприятиеpsychic abilities (Scientists in Russia are feared to have "contacted aliens" and collected "cosmic intelligence" using psychic abilities. US journalist and UFO investigator George Knapp claims the country developed a practice called 'remote viewing' which allowed them to essentially see into the minds of aliens and harness their technology. mirror.co.uk ART Vancouver)
экстрасенсорное восприятиеextra sensory perception (Taras)
экстрасенсорные способностиpsychic abilities (Scientists in Russia are feared to have "contacted aliens" and collected "cosmic intelligence" using psychic abilities. US journalist and UFO investigator George Knapp claims the country developed a practice called 'remote viewing' which allowed them to essentially see into the minds of aliens and harness their technology. mirror.co.uk ART Vancouver)