
Terms for subject Microsoft containing экранный | all forms | exact matches only
Немасштабируемый экранный шрифтthis is a non-scalable font designed for screen display (Word 2007)
экранная клавиатураsoftware keyboard (A keyboard representation on the screen that allows users to type using touch, a stylus, or other input device)
экранная клавиатураon-screen keyboard
экранная клавиатураsoft keyboard (A keyboard representation on the screen that allows users to type using touch, a stylus, or other input device)
экранная лупаMagnifier
экранная лупаscreen magnifier (harser)
экранная панель вводаsoftware input panel (A software accessory that enables you to use a variety of direct input methods (such as handwriting, speech, touch, stylus, gestures, and so on) to interact with Windows-based programs. An input panel can include a writing pad and a character pad to convert handwriting into typed text or mathematical equations, and an on-screen keyboard to enter individual characters)
экранный дикторNarrator (A feature that audibly reads the text on the screen aloud and describes some events to users)
экранный шрифтscreen font (A typeface designed for display on a computer monitor screen. A screen font often has an accompanying PostScript font for printing to PostScript-compatible printers)