
Terms for subject Formal containing что не | all forms
быть не чем иным, какbe but (something Shabe)
если не считать того, чтоapart from the fact that (Apart from the fact that I was aware that he played chess and shared with Catsmeat's current fiancée a dislike for hearing policemen make cracks about Jonah and the Whale, the Rev. Sidney Pirbright had hitherto been a sealed book to me, and this was, of course, the first time I had seen him in action. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
это совсем не означает, чтоthis is not to necessarily suggest that (While it is clear that humans and other animals possess consciousness, one theory goes one step further by suggesting that absolutely everything – from the planets in the solar system to the chair you are sitting on – are conscious as well. Known as panpsychism, this idea is not a new one, but a growing number of scientists seem to be subscribing to the notion that consciousness may be far more pervasive than we previously thought. This is not to necessarily suggest that a chair, for example, is just as conscious as a human, but that objects possess levels of consciousness relative to their state and complexity. At the most basic level, even fundamental particles may possess some level of consciousness. (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)