
Terms for subject Figurative containing чрезмерная | all forms
быть чрезмерным, преувеличенным, раздутымout of all proportion to something (E.g. The public reaction seems out of all proportion. englishenthusiast1408)
уделять чрезмерное вниманиеoverstress (Stas-Soleil)
чрезмерно опекатьoverprotect (ребёнка elena529)
чрезмерное вниманиеsunshine ("My job is to make sure that we are as prepared as we can be for the task in front of us and to try to limit as much distractions as possible," Joerger said. "I think the sunshine on this team, this group of players, and our city has been as high as it's been since I've been in the NBA. george serebryakov)
чрезмерный ростgoing out of sight (чего-либо A.Rezvov)