
Terms for subject Microsoft containing хранилище | all forms | exact matches only
геоизбыточное хранилище с доступом на чтениеRead-Access Geo Redundant (The Microsoft Azure service that gives users read access to their secondary storage replica in the event of a failure in their primary storage location. Rori)
защищённое хранилище службы управления правамиRM Lockbox (The software module responsible for authenticating the valid use of protected content and protecting trusted software processing from modification and observation)
личное хранилище сертификатовpersonal store (A certificate store associated with an individual user)
назначенное хранилище учётной записиdesignated account store (microsoft.com bojana)
настраиваемое хранилище атрибутовcustom attribute store (microsoft.com bojana)
онлайн-хранилище документовonline document storage (A document library such as SharePoint Online. Rori)
параллельное хранилище данныхparallel data warehouse (stachel)
Текущее хранилище не имеет допустимой транзакцииthe current store does have a valid transaction (.NET Framework 4)
хранилище атрибутовattribute store (microsoft.com bojana)
хранилище данныхdata warehouse (The database that stores operations data for long periods of time. This data is then used by the Operations Manager reporting server to build reports. By default, this database is named OperationsManagerDW)
хранилище данных авторизацииauthorization store (A file containing user and group information used by the Authorization Manager)
хранилище данных наблюденияmonitoring store (A set of database tables that store information collected from events)
хранилище данных общих RSS-каналовCommon RSS Data Store (A common data store which provides a single location where applications can access content that has been downloaded to the PC via RSS, including text, pictures, audio, calendar events, documents and just about anything else. All applications will have access to this content for creating rich user experiences)
хранилище данных отчётовreporting data warehouse (An Operations Manager feature that manages the OperationsManagerDW database and that can be independently installed. Rori)
хранилище данных отчётовreporting data warehouse (An Operations Manager feature that manages the OperationsManagerDW database and that can be independently installed)
хранилище данных приложенияapp data storage (An isolated data store specific to a particular application and user)
хранилище данных управленияmanagement data warehouse (A relational database that is used to store data that is collected. Rori)
хранилище данных управленияmanagement data warehouse (A relational database that is used to store data that is collected)
хранилище SQL Server для данных приложений OfficeSQL Server Store for Office Applications (A SQL Server feature that enables storage of data from an Office application on a SQL server)
хранилище исходного кодаsource depot (An internal version control system that enables people to work on one project from separate workstations and still maintain an up-to-date version of each file)
хранилище класса PremiumPremium Storage (An SSD-based storage offering low latency and high throughput designed to support demanding enterprise workload in the cloud, suitable for I/O intensive applications. Rori)
хранилище контрольных данныхholdout store (The data mining structure that is used to cache the holdout data. It contains references to the holdout data)
хранилище, которое не может быть обновлено для включения объектов брандмауэраsilo that cannot be upgraded to include firewall objects (ssn)
хранилище лицензийlicense store
хранилище метаданныхmetadata store (The collection of XML files, stored in the Business Data Connectivity Service, that contain definitions of models, external content types, and external data sources)
хранилище метаданных службы подключения к бизнес-даннымBDC Metadata Store (The collection of XML files, stored in the Business Data Connectivity Service, that contain definitions of models, external content types, and external data sources)
хранилище моделейmodel store (A Microsoft SQL Server database where all objects in the Application Object Tree (AOT) are stored. Rori)
хранилище моделейmodel store (A Microsoft SQL Server database where all objects in the Application Object Tree (AOT) are stored)
хранилище моментальных снимковSnapshot Share (A share available for the storage of snapshot files. Snapshot files contain the schema and data for published tables)
хранилище надёжных издателейtrusted publisher store (A list of software publisher certificates used to digitally sign code, such as macros. Because you explicitly trust the software publishers, their code is allowed to run on your computer without needing to prompt for permission)
хранилище образовimage store (The repository where Windows image files used for deployment are stored. Rori)
хранилище образовimage store (The repository where Windows image files used for deployment are stored)
хранилище BLOB-объектовblob storage (stachel)
хранилище почтовых ящиковmailbox store (A database for storing mailboxes in Exchange Server. Mailbox stores store data that is private to an individual and contain mailbox folders generated when a new mailbox is created for an individual. A mailbox store consists of a rich-text, .edb file, as well as a streaming native Internet content .stm file)
хранилище приложенийApplication store (Smantha)
хранилище результатовresults store (A location on a Windows Assessment Services computer where job results files are stored. For the Windows Assessment Console, see results library)
хранилище сборки выраженийexpression host assembly (All expressions found within a report are that are compiled into an assembly. The expression host assembly is stored as a part of the compiled report)
хранилище-свидетельstorage witness (microsoft.com bojana)
хранилище свойств WindowsWindows property store (ssn)
хранилище свойств WindowsWindows Property Store (A Windows feature that facilitates a convenient way to get and set properties. It provides access to properties by using friendly canonical names in a type safe manner without dealing with PROPVARIANT. Developers can easily store basic data in a property store)
хранилище свойствproperty store (ssn)
хранилище сертификатовcertificate store (A permanent storage where certificates, certificate revocation lists, and certificate trust lists are stored. A certificate store can also be temporary when working with session-based certificates)
хранилище символовsymbol store (Ding_an_sich)
хранилище Служб восстановленияRecovery Services vault (vlad-and-slav)
хранилище содержимогоcontent repository (Andy)
хранилище сообщений BizTalkBizTalk message store (A Microsoft SQL Server table that holds all messages and their parts. Consuming orchestrations use the message references contained in the store to dequeue a copy of the message and its properties from the message store)
хранилище сохраняемостиpersistence store (A set of database tables that store workflow instance state and workflow instance metadata)
хранилище удостоверенийidentity store (An area on a computer where identities are stored)
хранилище учётных данныхCredential Locker (A feature of Windows where a user's credentials are securely stored)
хранилище фактовfact store (The database that stores information, including role and attributes, about actors. The fact store also provides hierarchy navigation so that actions can determine the relative positions of actors within an organization)
централизованное хранилище ключейcentrally managed key storage (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
центральное хранилище управленияCentral Management store (The central database (one per organization) that contains the data to define, set up, maintain, and administer a deployment, including the deployment topology and user policies)