
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing форма одежды | all forms | in specified order only
боевая форма одеждыcombatant suit
парадная вечерняя форма одеждыevening wear (clothing, esp. for women, that is suitable for formal social occasions the fifth floor is beginning to fill with men in dark suits and women in evening wear. From OxfordAmericanDictionary (En-En) Alexander Demidov)
парадная вечерняя форма одеждыevening wear (clothing, esp. for women, that is suitable for formal social occasions the fifth floor is beginning to fill with men in dark suits and women in evening wear. From OxfordAmericanDictionary (En-En) – АД)
день недели обычно пятница, когда от работников не требуется строгая форма одеждыdress-down Friday (oVoD)