
Terms for subject Microsoft containing фильтр | all forms | exact matches only
Включить фильтр событийEvent to Filter on (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
диалоговое окно "фильтр монитора событий"event monitor filter dialog (SQLStudioTools 11 ssn)
Изменить фильтр событийEdit Event Filter (Windows 8 ssn)
интеллектуальный фильтр мгновенных сообщенийIntelligent Instant Message Filter (A security feature of Office Communications Server, or Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1, that administrators can configure to prevent specified types of URLs and files from being transferred in an instant message conversation)
интеллектуальный фильтр мгновенных сообщенийIntelligent IM Filter (A security feature of Office Communications Server, or Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1, that administrators can configure to prevent specified types of URLs and files from being transferred in an instant message conversation)
интеллектуальный фильтр сообщенийIntelligent Message Filter
объединённый фильтр записиUnified Write Filter (stachel)
параметризованный фильтр строкparameterized row filter (A row filter available with merge replication that allows you to restrict the data replicated to a Subscriber based on a system function or user-defined function (for example: SUSER_SNAME()))
расширенный фильтр записиEnhanced Write Filter (EWF stachel)
серверный фильтр по формеServer Filter By Form (A technique that uses a version of the current form or datasheet with empty fields in which you can type values you want the filtered records to contain. The data is filtered by the server before it's retrieved from the database)
Создать фильтр событийNew Event Filter (Windows 8 ssn)
страница "Фильтр вирусов"Virus Filter page (The page where administrators set up and enable virus filtering (for customers who subscribe to this service))
страница "Фильтр нежелательной почты"Spam Filter page (The page that enables users to manage all aspects of their spam filtering and storage)
страница "Фильтр политик"Policy Filter page (The page where administrators build customized rules for e-mail addresses and domains in the customer's organization)
фильтр базы данныхdatabase filter (A filter that allows Operations Manager to evaluate further rules but does not insert matching events into the database)
фильтр веб-содержимогоWeb Content Filter
фильтр версий клиентовclient version filter (Restricts the client versions that are used in a Lync Server environment)
фильтр журналаlog filter (A set of algorithms that selectively pass the log entries that are written to log files. For example, a filter can be created to only pass log entries that contain a specific logging field with a specific value)
фильтр значенийvalue filter (Andy)
фильтр монитора событийevent monitor filter (SQLStudioTools 11 ssn)
фильтр настраиваемых событийcustom event filter (Windows 8 ssn)
фильтр нежелательной почтыjunk e-mail filter (An e-mail filter that enables the user to set the strictness level that keeps junk e-mail from being delivered to their Inbox. Rori)
фильтр нежелательной почтыjunk e-mail filter (An e-mail filter that enables the user to set the strictness level that keeps junk e-mail from being delivered to their Inbox)
фильтр операций со временемtime intelligence filter (A dynamic dashboard filter that can be linked to scorecards and reports so that they will update automatically relative to the current time)
фильтр по коду книги амортизацииDepreciation Book Code Filter (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
Фильтр по типу товарной операцииItem Ledger Entry Type Filter (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
фильтр по формеFilter By Form
фильтр поискаsearch filter (A term that can be added to a search to filter the results by a specific property (for example, by author). Relevant search filters appear under the search box in any open folder)
фильтр пользовательских событийcustom event filter (Windows 8 ssn)
фильтр приоритизированных службDiffServ filter (The Web filter that assigns DiffServ priority bits to packets so that they can be prioritized)
фильтр процесса обработки после сканированияpost-scan process filter (A processing unit on the Distributed Scan Server that is called by the post scan-instructions to process each file as requested and log the results)
фильтр с выделениемhighlighting filter (A filter that displays all information and highlights the data that match the filter criteria)
фильтр синхронизацииsynchronization filter (" A filter to prevent objects in the metaverse from being transferred to the ILM "2" database.")
фильтр событийevent filter (A filter that registers to receive notification of a specific type of event)
фильтр соединенияjoin filter (A filter used in merge replication that extends the row filter of one table to a related table)
фильтр сравненияcomparison evaluator (A filter that compares a device capability name to a value)
фильтр столбцовcolumn filter (A filter that restricts columns that are to be included as part of a snapshot, transactional, or merge publication)
фильтр устройствdevice filter (A section of the Web.config file where you specify values for specific mobile devices. These values are used to create device-specific content)
фильтр файлаfile filter
фильтр файловfile filter (A DLL that controls the transfer of data between devices)
фильтр фишингаPhishing Filter (A filter that helps to identify fraudulent Web sites and protect against personal data theft)
фильтр электронной почтыe-mail filter (A feature in e-mail-reading software that automatically sorts incoming mail into different folders or mailboxes based on information contained in the message)
этот фильтр предназначен для отображения всех сообщений из данной папки, которые не получены от контактов, групп или с сайтов социальных сетей.this filter will show you all the messages in this folder that aren't from contacts, groups, or social networking sites. (Windows Live Hotmail W5M2, Outlook.com Wave 6)