
Terms for subject Figurative containing ушёл | all forms
красиво уйтиexit gracefully (If you do decide to leave, exit gracefully. Make sure you don't burn your bridges. – уйдите красиво ART Vancouver)
от смерти никуда не уйдёшьthere is no habeas from death
поезд ушёлthat ship has sailed (informal: Used in reference to an opportunity that has passed or a situation that can no longer be changed. also: that ship has already sailed; that train has left the station: ‘we're good friends but I don't think we'll ever be anything more to each other–that ship has sailed' lettim)
поезд ушёлthe ship has sailed (also: that ship has (already) sailed: ‘It's time to accept that the ship has sailed and no matter how hard I chase after it with the world's fastest speedboat I may never catch up.')
поезд ушёлthe train has already departed (This is better than getting themselves and others all worked up when they know very well that the train has already departed and that childish tantrums, tears and hysterics will not help things. theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
поезд ушёлthe boat has sailed (Wakeful dormouse)
поезд ушёлbird has flown (grafleonov)
поезд ушёлmiss the boat (Technical)
поезд ушёлthe bus is gone (VLZ_58)
поезд ушёлbe well past one's sell-by date (Его поезд ушел. – He is well past his sell-by date. denghu)
поезд ушёлthis ship has sailed (alia20)
уйти в лучший мирwalk on (plushkina)
уйти в мир инойgive up the ghost
уйти в мир инойbow out (OlCher)
уйти в пикеplummet (Цены на пшеницу на российском рынке ушли в пике. diyaroschuk)
уйти в теньfade into the woodwork (Cooleshova)
уйти на более выгодное местоjump ship (I didn't jump ship – I was pushed off gang plank. I was disappointed to find myself with no choice but to resign.)
уйти на дноgo to ground (kopeika)
уйти на тот светgive up the ghost (Yeldar Azanbayev)
уйти с головойpour oneself into (VLZ_58)
уйти с головой вbe deep into something (sixthson)
уйти с головой во что-н.be deeply engrossed in something
уйти с головой во что-н.plunge into something
уйти с головой во что-н.get up to one's neck in something