
Terms for subject Microsoft containing учёта | all forms | exact matches only
автоматизированная система учёта заявок от клиентовHelp Desk (Denis Tatyanushkin)
аналитика учётаledger dimension (A classifier created from the combination of financial dimension values listed in a chart of accounts and used to classify the financial consequences of economic activity)
быстрый учётfast inventory (The reading of the barcode of each tape in the library)
валюта учётаaccounting currency unit (A currency unit used to quantify the financial consequences of accounting events)
валюта учётаaccounting currency (The customary monetary unit of measure that is used to record the monetary value of economic resources in ledger accounts)
Вводимые с учётом регистра пароли не совпадаютthe case-sensitive passwords do not match. (System Center Operations Manager 2012 SP1)
включение и выключение учёта регистра знаков при поискеControls case sensitivity on searching (Office System 2010 Rori)
внедрение системы финансового и бухгалтерского учётаFinance and Accounting System Implementation (A template that outlines the steps needed to implement a finance and accounting system. It assumes an existing system or process is in place and a new system will be replacing it. It also assumes that the new application software system has already been chosen)
всего с учётом исключенийTotal Incl. Eliminations (Rori)
дата учётаposting date (The date that a transaction is recorded)
доступно для заказа с учётом производстваcapable to promise (The portion of product output from available operations resources and available input product required to fulfill a specific customer requirement; CTP)
журнал учётаaccounting journal (A journal that is used to record the financial consequences of accounting events in an accounting system)
журнал учёта основных средствFixed asset journal (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
журналы учёта наличных средствcash posting journals (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
запись в журнале учётаaccounting journal entry (A record of original entry in an accounting system that records a date, one or more accounts, and the monetary value to be debited or credited to each account)
интеграция с программой автоматизации бухгалтерского учётаAccounting Integration (A feature that enables the user to access information from an accounting system from within Business Contact Manager for Outlook)
категория учётаaccounting category (A classifier used to group journal account entries according to their economic characteristics)
книга учётаledger (The part of an accounting system that is used for classifying the monetary value of economic transactions by using a chart of accounts, a fiscal calendar, and one or more currencies)
книга учёта налоговsales tax book (A record of sales and purchase transactions for sales tax reporting in Italy)
Код аналитики, используемый как код аналитического учётаDimension code to be treated as an analysis code. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Консолидация выявила дисбаланс, при этом в плане счетов не указан счёт для учёта ошибок.Consolidation reveals an imbalance, and no error account has been defined in the system accounts. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
модель учётаvalue model (A method of changing the monetary value of a fixed asset over time for different purposes, such as accounting depreciation, tax depreciation, revaluation, and disposal)
модуль интеграции с программой автоматизации бухгалтерского учётаAccounting Loader (Software required to connect to the accounting system)
настройка учёта распределения налоговTax Allocation Posting Setup (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
Обычная с учётом времениStandard timed (Windows 7 ssn)
Операторы учётаAccount Operators (mkgt.ru bojana)
Переключить режим поиска с учётом регистра знаков.Toggle Find's case sensitivity option (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
печать с учётом сетевого расположенияlocation aware printing (ssn)
печать с учётом сетевого расположенияLocation Aware Printing (A feature that automatically configures the default printer based on the user's network location. When a mobile user changes network locations, the default printer also changes to the correct one for that network, as defined by the user)
подробный учётdetailed inventory (The reading of the header area of a tape in the library to identify the on-media identifier (OMID) on each tape)
поиск с учётом расположенияproximity search (Full-text query searching for those occurrences where the specified words are close to one another)
поставщик учётаaccounting provider (A provider that records client activity for analysis or accounting purposes)
правило признания в учётеrecognition accounting rule (An accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue and expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
правило признания выручки в учётеrevenue recognition accounting rule (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue in accounts and on financial statements)
правило признания расходов в учётеexpenditure recognition accounting rule (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
правило учётаaccounting rule (A rule in an accounting system that controls the principles, methods, and procedures for classifying, recording, and reporting the financial consequences of accounting events)
программа автоматизации бухгалтерского учётаaccounting application (A program that helps a user perform tasks related to accounting)
режим учёта времениTime Attack Mode (A menu item on the Purble Place menu that allows the user to select a timed mode for their game)
с учётом использованияusage-based (stachel)
с учётом особенностейdue to the specifics of (чего-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
с учётом спецификиdue to the specifics of (чего-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
с учётом специфики вашего проектаdue to the specifics of your project (Alex_Odeychuk)
сбалансированный учётinterunit accounting (An accounting process where due-to and due-from account entries are automatically created to ensure that an accounting entry is balanced for one or more specified financial dimensions in a legal entity)
Сделать доступными функции раздела книги учёта налогов.Enable sales tax book section functionality (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
система автоматизации бухгалтерского учётаaccounting system (The accounting program)
система учёта процессовprocess accounting
снять с учётаretire (To remove managed hardware, software, or an IT service, from a production environment by using a controlled process)
сопоставление строк с учётом регистраCase-sensitive string match (Andrey_Koz)
состояние учётаaccounting state (Windows 8 ssn)
строка с учётом регистраCase Sensitive String (Andrey_Koz)
субъект учётаaccounting entity (A real or conceptual economic unit that uses ledger accounts to record and report on its financial and management performance)
сумма без учёта скидок и наценокextended price (The price of a quantity of product expressed in purchase units calculated from the sales unit price, multiplied by the product quantity in purchase units, divided by the sales unit quantity)
счёт учётаledger account (A classifier created from the combination of main account value and other financial dimension values listed in a chart of accounts and used to classify the financial consequences of economic activity)
Типовой журнал учёта ОСRecurring Fixed Asset Journal (Dynamics NAV 5.0 SP1 Rori)
учёт в двух единицах измеренияcatch weight (The actual or nominal weight of a sales item or inventory item)
учёт затратcosting (The process of calculating, assigning, and allocating the cost of economic resources acquired, produced, or delivered by an organization)
учёт методом начисленияaccrual basis accounting (An accounting method that recognizes revenues when they are earned and expenses when they are incurred, regardless of when they are received or paid)
учёт методом начисленияaccrual accounting (An accounting method that recognizes revenues when they are earned and expenses when they are incurred, regardless of when they are received or paid)
учёт обязательствcommitment accounting (A practice of recording the financial consequences of budget fund reservation accounting events in pre-encumbrance and encumbrance journal accounts for financial and management reporting and analysis)
учёт рабочего времени, отпусков и отгуловLeave Management (The Duet end-user application that allows users to self-manage their absence or availability for payroll purposes. Users can create and manage leave requests in Microsoft Office Outlook in the form of Calendar items, which are integrated with approval guidelines and business-defined processes defined in SAP systems. Rori)
учёт рабочего времени, отпусков и отгуловLeave Management (The Duet end-user application that allows users to self-manage their absence or availability for payroll purposes. Users can create and manage leave requests in Microsoft Office Outlook in the form of Calendar items, which are integrated with approval guidelines and business-defined processes defined in SAP systems)
учёт регистраcase sensitivity (Discrimination between lowercase and uppercase characters in a program or a programming language. Rori)
учёт с использованием сторноStorno accounting (The practice of using negative numbers to reverse original journal account entries)
хранение на месте с учётом времениTime-Based In-Place Hold (A feature that provides the ability to keep SharePoint items on In-Place Hold for a specific time period. Rori)
хранение на месте с учётом времениTime-Based In-Place Hold (A feature that provides the ability to keep SharePoint items on In-Place Hold for a specific time period)
цикл учётаaccounting cycle (A recurring set of documenting, journalizing, balancing, and statement preparation activities performed by parties that report on and analyze the financial position and performance of accounting entities)