
Terms containing утрата силы | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.объявлять об утрате законной силыdeclare null and void
gen.привести к полной или частичной утрате силыinvalidate, in whole or in part (or in part or which might operate as a defense, in whole or in part, to any obligation of a Guarantor or which might invalidate, in whole or in part, a guarantee. | Users are cautioned that in the interim, scientific and medical developments may supercede or invalidate, in whole or in part, specific recommendations in any | or the chapter in its entirety, shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, the same shall not be held to affect or invalidate, in whole or in part, any inheritance, ...)
gen.привести к утрате силыinvalidate (Alexander Demidov)
gen.приводить к утрате силыinvalidate (Alexander Demidov)
lawутрата силыtermination
lawутрата силыloss of effect
lawутрата силыlapse
patents.утрата силыvoidness
patents.утрата силы регистрации знакаlapse of the registration of a mark
lawутрата юридической силыloss of effect