
Terms containing уступка прав требований | all forms | in specified order only
gen.договор об уступке прав требованияassignment of claims agreement (zhvir)
lawдоговор об уступке права требования долгаpurchase of claim letter agreement (Peri)
gen.договор уступки права требованияreceivables assignment contract (Alexander Demidov)
lawдоговор уступки права требованияclaim assignment agreement (Delilah)
law, ADRдоговор уступки права требованияdeed of assignment of receivables (pelipejchenko)
lawдоговор уступки права требованияagreement of cession of right of demand (по материалам proz Sergey_Ka)
lawдоговор уступки права требованияassignment of claim agreement (sec.gov юgenia)
lawдоговор уступки права требованияagreement to cession of claim (Victorian)
gen.договор уступки права требованияright of claim assignment agreement (VictorMashkovtsev)
lawдоговоры уступки права требования дебиторской и кредиторской задолженностиagreements of assignment of claims in respect of accounts receivable and accounts payable (ABelonogov)
gen.уступка прав требованийassignment of accounts receivable (Assignment of accounts receivable is a lending agreement, often long term, between a borrowing company and a lending institution whereby the borrower assigns specific customer accounts that owe money (accounts receivable) to the lending institution. In exchange for assignment of accounts receivable, the borrower receives a cash advance for a percentage of the accounts receivable. The borrower pays interest and a service charge on the advance. Read more: Assignment Of Accounts Receivable investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.уступка прав требованийassignment of receivables (Assigning your accounts receivables means that you use them as collateral for a secured loan. The financial institution, such as a bank or loan company, analyzes the accounts receivable aging report. For each invoice that qualifies, you receive 50 to 85 percent of the outstanding balance in cash. Depending on the lender, you may have to assign all your receivables or specific receivables to secure the loan. Once you have repaid the loan, you can use the accounts as collateral for a new loan. quora.com Alexander Demidov)
lawуступка прав требованияassignment of claims (Maxim Prokofiev)
EBRDуступка прав требования по кредитуloan sale (oVoD)
lawуступка права требованияassignment of receivables (Incognita)
lawуступка права требованияreceivables assignment (Alexander Demidov)
lawуступка права требованияassignment of right of demand
gen.уступка права требованияassignment of claim (Alexander Demidov)
SAP.уступка права участия и права требованияprovision of equity or debt recovery rights