
Terms for subject General containing уставной капитал | all forms | in specified order only
аннулирование выкупленных акций без изменения размера уставного капиталаconversion of shares into stock (4uzhoj)
в уставном капитале которого участвует государствоpartially government-owned (The global oil and gas sector landscape is changing as an increasing share of reserves is held by fully or partially government-owned companies Alexander Demidov)
в уставных капиталах которых участвует государствоpartially government-owned (considering the sale of some of its shares in wholly or partially government-owned companies. Alexander Demidov)
вклад в уставный капиталcontribution to the equity capital (Alexander Demidov)
вклад в уставный капиталcontribution to the charter capital (gennier)
владеть 100% долей в уставном капиталеwholly own (Yes, an LLC can wholly own another company. Alexander Demidov)
владеть 100% уставного капиталаhave full ownership of (Alexander Demidov)
внесение дополнительного вклада в уставный капиталmaking of an additional contribution to charter capital (ABelonogov)
вносить денежные средства в уставные капиталыbuy into (1. to buy shares in a company, especially in order to gain some control over it 2. (informal) to believe something, especially an idea that many other people believe in She had never bought into the idea that to be attractive you have to be thin. OALD Alexander Demidov)
выйти из уставного капиталаdivest from (Ремедиос_П)
выходить из уставного капиталаdivest from (Ремедиос_П)
договор залога доли в уставном капиталеequity interest pledge contract (Alexander Demidov)
долевое участие в уставном капиталеequity interest (Capital participation (sometimes also called equity participation or equity interest) is a form of equity sharing not restricted to housing, in which a company, infrastructure, property or business is shared between different parties. WK Alexander Demidov)
доля акций в уставном капиталеequity interest (Mezzanine financing is basically debt capital that gives the lender the rights to convert to an ownership or equity interest in the company if the loan is not paid ...)
доля в уставном капиталеparticipating interests in the charter capital (ABelonogov)
доля в уставном капиталеequity stake (Rosneft sealed a $55 billion deal on Oct. 22 to buy TNK-BP. BP will hold a fifth of state-controlled Rosneft. The acquisition, subject to government approval, will give Rosneft extra output and cash flow to finance exploration of Russia’s vast reserves to replace aging fields and ones that are being depleted. TMT – АД)
доля в уставном капиталеequity stake (Rosneft sealed a $55 billion deal on Oct. 22 to buy TNK-BP. BP will hold a fifth of state-controlled Rosneft. The acquisition, subject to government approval, will give Rosneft extra output and cash flow to finance exploration of Russia’s vast reserves to replace aging fields and ones that are being depleted. TMT Alexander Demidov)
доля в уставном капиталеshareholding (ООО) или в складочном капитале (товарищество; President German Gref said he was increasing his personal shareholding in the bank by 31 percent this week, and the bank posted profit of 201.2 billion rubles ($6.89 billion) for the first seven months of 2011, a threefold increase on the same period a year earlier. TMT Alexander Demidov)
доля в уставном капиталеinterest in share capital (Gr. Sitnikov)
доля в уставном капиталеequity interest (Rolls-Royce and Daimler today announce that they have agreed the valuation of Daimler's 50% equity interest in the joint venture Rolls-Royce ... Alexander Demidov)
доля в уставном капитале ОООparticipatory share (gennier)
доля в уставном капиталеstake in the equity capital (Alexander Demidov)
доля участия в уставном капиталеinterest in the charter capital (As regards third parties, the transfer is deemed to take place at the time of state registration of the amended charter stating the name of the new participant and its interest in the charter capital. DBiRF Alexander Demidov)
дочернее предприятие со стопроцентным участием в уставном капиталеwholly-owned subsidiary (учредителя, материнской (головной) компании/основного общества Lavrov)
изменение размера уставного капитала банкаadjustment of the amount of a bank's charter capital (ABelonogov)
инвестиции в уставный капитал других компанийequity investments (Lavrov)
объявленный уставный капиталstated authorized capital (emirates42)
оплачивать долю в уставном капитале обществаpay for an equity interest (Alexander Demidov)
отчёт о проверке внесения уставного капиталаcapital verification report (Китай Ying)
переход доли в уставном капиталеtransfer of equity interest (Alexander Demidov)
права на 100% долю в уставном капиталеsole ownership (If you are the only shareholder, you will have sole ownership of the company, and are likely to also be the director who runs it. Alexander Demidov)
превышение величины чистых активов над величиной уставного капиталаcapital ratio (Alexander Demidov)
прекратить участие в уставном капиталеdivest from (Ремедиос_П)
прекращать участие в уставном капиталеdivest from (Ремедиос_П)
преобладающее участие в уставном капиталеcontrolling equity interest (Alexander Demidov)
преобладающее участие в уставном капиталеmajority equity interest (Alexander Demidov)
преобладающее участие в уставном капиталеmajority equity stake (and public affairs firm, has agreed to acquire a majority equity stake in Arcay Communications Holdings (Pty) Limited ("Arcay") in South Africa. | JWT takes majority stake in Activeark – АД)
преобладающее участие в уставном капиталеmajority equity stake (and public affairs firm, has agreed to acquire a majority equity stake in Arcay Communications Holdings (Pty) Limited ("Arcay") in South Africa. | JWT takes majority stake in Activeark Alexander Demidov)
преобладающее участие в уставном капиталеmajority equity holding (Under the proposal, the debt would be reduced to L2.84bn and creditors would take a majority equity holding in the company. A partner with majority equity holding has more at stake in the alliance than the other partners. Oracle said the agreement sets out, among other things, that the Chinese parties will take a "significant" majority equity holding, will arrange ... SDV announces majority equity holding in Safcomar Overseas SA whose new name, SDV Suisse, takes effect as of 7 January 2013, ... The new company was formed following lengthy negotiations between Turbomeca and Denel for the French company to acquire a majority equity holding in ... Transferring the majority equity holding of a body to the private sector means government has lost many of its controls over the body. The team, which includes Jerry Neville, founder of Logistics Data Systems Inc in Wisconsin, will have a majority equity holding in the new ... Alexander Demidov)
преобладающее участие в уставном капиталеmajority equity holding in (общества. Under the proposal, the debt would be reduced to L2.84bn and creditors would take a majority equity holding in the company. – АД)
размер уставного капиталаequity (The ordinary share capital of a company. OF&B Alexander Demidov)
расчёты по вкладам в уставный складочный капиталsettlements in respect of contributions to charter pooled capital (ABelonogov)
с долей участия в уставном капиталеowned (The airline, which is part of the Lufthansa group and 45 percent owned by the German carrier, was caught in an "uncomfortable place" by the financial crisis in Europe and recent political instability in Africa, its two main markets, Dechamps said. TMT Alexander Demidov)
сделки приобретения акций и долей в уставном капиталеacquisitions of equity (Acquisitions of equity in non-resident subsidiaries and associates. The reporting institution should report the acquisition or additional investment in ordinary ... Alexander Demidov)
сделки приобретения акций и долей в уставном капиталеequity acquisitions (Equity Acquisitions: CNBC Explains. When one business acquires another, there are several ways of financing the deal, including the use of the acquiring company's shares to cover the cost of the transaction. Alexander Demidov)
составляющие уставный или складочный капитал вклады, долиequity holdings/stakes (Alexander Demidov)
счёт уставного капиталаequity account (ACCOUNT in the EQUITY section of the BALANCE SHEET. Includes CAPITAL STOCK, ADDITIONAL PAID IN CAPITAL and RETAINED EARNINGS. Found on nysscpa.org Alexander Demidov)
счёт уставного капиталаauthorized capital account (Alexander Demidov)
уменьшение уставного капиталаreduction of charter capital (ABelonogov)
уставный капиталauthorised share capital (A company’ s nominal (or authorised) share capital refers to the quantity of shares a company is authorised to issue (as indicated in the company’ s Memorandum of Association). LE Alexander Demidov)
уставный капиталshareholders' equity (Zen1)
уставный капиталregistered capital
участие в уставном капиталеequity holding (EQUITY HOLDING is a holding of the nominal share capital in a company where the shareholding entitles the shareholder to a right to votes, to profits available for distribution to shareholders and to assets available for distribution on a winding up of that company. A holding of shares held as trading stock for the purpose of a trade does not constitute a participating holding. ventureline.com Alexander Demidov)
учёт уставного капиталаequity accounting (Alexander Demidov)
финансируется за счёт уставного капиталаfunded with equity (lenivets:))