
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing усилия | all forms | exact matches only
без усилийon a silver platter (достичь или получить что-либо: you're being offered this opportunity on a silver platter Val_Ships)
выбиться в люди благодаря собственным усилиямlift oneself by one's own bootstraps (Bobrovska)
делать без особого усилияcoast (что-либо)
не прилагая усилийwithout breaking a sweat (Val_Ships)
несмотря на огромные усилия с моей стороныdespite my own best efforts (Val_Ships)
объединять усилияpool one's resources (Taras)
прилагать максимум усилийswing for the fences (baseball literally, to put all one's power into one's swing while batting so as to try to hit a home run. By extension, to put forward one's maximum amount of effort or energy (into or toward something); to act or perform with great intensity or effort: I wasn't sure about their state-appointed lawyer at first, but I was well impressed when he came out swinging for the fences on day one of the trial Taras)
прилагать огромные усилияgo for broke
приложить все усилияgive the best one has in the shop (Bobrovska)
приложить исключительные усилияgo to extraordinary lengths (They went to extraordinary lengths to explain their behaviour. Val_Ships)
сделать решительное усилиеhump
сосредоточить внимание / усилияzero in (на определенной задаче,действии)
чрезвычайные усилияcollege try