
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing усилие | all forms
полностью посвящать свои усилияbring a passion and commitment to (чем-либо sankozh)
прилагать больше усилийtry harder (You should be trying harder. • We should try harder. ART Vancouver)
прилагать все возможные усилияdevote one's best efforts (sankozh)
прилагать все возможные усилияdevote one's best ability (sankozh)
прилагать все возможные усилияdevote one's best energies and skills (sankozh)
прилагать максимум усилийtry one's best (igisheva)
приложить все усилияtry one's best (igisheva)
приложить максимум усилийmake best efforts (ART Vancouver)
приложить максимум усилийtry one's best (igisheva)
решать лишь самые простые задачи, не требующие особых усилийpick the low-hanging fruit (xieji)
усилия были вознагражденыefforts were rewarded (In subsequent years, speculation surrounding the strange disappearance of the weathervane swirled in large part thanks to the work of historian Michel Sabatery, who often wrote about the odd tale. His efforts to keep the story alive were rewarded this past November when he received an unexpected package containing the stolen piece. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
целенаправленное усилиеdedicated push (Sailing is viewed as a pretty bougie activity for some reason, but for many decades it was a decidedly working class pastime and only recently, within the 2000’s, has it been gentrified out of affordability for the working class here in BC – largely via events like this. IMHO there has been a dedicated push to build this mentality over decades, to isolate common folks from any connection to maritime culture and thus reserve waterfront access and views purely for the wealthy. This is a very North American, and more particularly a very West Coast of North America, attitude shift. In most of the rest of the world access to the water and the use of the water remains in the hands of the common individual. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)