
Terms for subject Microsoft containing удалённое управление | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
консоль управления удалёнными рабочими столамиRD Management Console (A Server Manager component for Remote Desktop Services used to deploy, configure and manage RDS deployments)
оператор средств удалённого управленияremote tools operator (ssn)
оператор средств удалённого управленияRemote Tools Operator (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can run and audit remote administration tools)
программа удалённого управленияremote control software (Software designed to provide access to a computer from a remote location. These programs are often installed by the computer owner or administrator, and are only a risk if unexpected)
служба удалённого управления для WindowsWindows Remote Management (WinRM cyberguru.ru bojana)
служба удалённого управления для WindowsWinRM (Windows Remote Management cyberguru.ru bojana)
средства удалённого управленияremote tools (ssn)
URI удалённого центра управления звонкамиenter remote call control URI (ssn)
URI удалённого центра управления звонкамиEnter remote call control URI (An option in the Manually Configure Phone Integration dialog box where the user enters his phone number in the required format. To access this dialog box, click the Configure button in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab)
удалённое управлениеshadowing (The process of viewing and interacting with an existing Remote Desktop Protocol session initiated by another user)
удалённое управлениеremote control (ssn)
удалённое управлениеremote management (For an administrator, the process of managing Windows SteadyState Windows Disk Protection from a remote computer through Active Directory Group Policy)
удалённое управлениеremote control (The process of viewing and interacting with an existing Remote Desktop Protocol session initiated by another user)
удалённое управление виртуальными машинамиvirtual machine remote control (ssn)
удалённое управление виртуальными машинамиVirtual Machine Remote Control (A feature of Virtual Server that allows a running virtual machine to be managed remotely)
удалённое управление звонкамиremote call control (ssn)
удалённое управление звонкамиremote call control (The ability to send and receive calls on a desktop phone by using a computer-supported telecommunications application, such as Lync or Communicator)
управление подключениями к удалённым рабочим столам и приложениям RemoteAppRemoteApp and Desktop Connection Management (A Windows Server role service for Remote Desktop Services (i.e. a RD subrole) that houses the assignment, connection handling, and execution designation policy, thus defining the contents and availability of a remote workspace)
Управление разрешениями подключений к удалённому рабочему столуRemote Desktop connection permission management. (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)