
Terms for subject General containing увековечиваться | all forms
кисть живописца и фотоаппарат увековечивают черты лица тех, кто давно умерthe brush of the painter and the camera record the features of persons long dead
увековечивать памятьmemorialize (If a person or event is memorialized, something is produced that will continue to exist and remind people of them. [be V-ed] He was praised in print and memorialized in stone throughout the South... [be V-ed] Our affair was memorialized by those children... [V n] When she died in 1946, her friends wanted to memorialize her in some significant way. CoCoB. This was intended to memorialize the victims of Hiroshima without politicizing the issue, taking advantage of the fact that polite Japanese speech typically ... Wiki. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park Alexander Demidov)
увековечивать памятьmemorize
увековечивать память оmemorize (ком-л.)