
Terms for subject Law containing трудовая | all forms | exact matches only
врачебно-трудовая комиссияmedical disability commission
врачебно трудовая экспертизаmedical-labour expert commission
всеобщая трудовая повинностьuniversal labour duty
исправительно-трудовая колонияwork-farm (для несовершеннолетних правонарушителей)
исправительно-трудовая колонияtraining school for juvenile delinquents
исправительно-трудовая колонияcorrective labour institution (Leonid Dzhepko)
исправительно-трудовая колонияcorrectional labour colony
исправительно-трудовая колония общего режимаminimum-security correctional labor facility (Leonid Dzhepko)
исправительно-трудовая колония усиленного режимаmedium-security correctional labor facility (Leonid Dzhepko)
исправительно-трудовая педагогикаcorrectional labour teaching
исправительно-трудовая работаcorrectional labour work
семейная жизнь и трудовая деятельностьfamily and professional life (Alexander Matytsin)
трудовая гарантияlabour guarantee
трудовая деятельность несовершеннолетнихchild labor activity (Yanamahan)
трудовая деятельность по наймуemployment (work that you are paid to do for a particular company or organization: find/look for/seek employment "If you are unemployed but you are actively seeking employment, you may qualify for benefits. take up/gain/secure employment "Almost half of the participants gained employment after completing the training program. provide/create/generate employment "These attractions provide employment for local people and create business for local shops and cafes. "Today the terminal offers employment to around 500 people. "casual/full-time/part-time employment "seasonal/temporary employment "permanent/continuous employment employment opportunities/prospects "Many rural workers have moved to the cities to seek better employment opportunities and improved living conditions. employment agreement/contract "Under the terms of her employment contract she is entitled to five weeks paid vacation per year. CBED Alexander Demidov)
трудовая деятельность работника у работодателяemployment of the employee with the employer (Andrew052)
трудовая дисциплинаlabour discipline
трудовая доблестьlabour merit
трудовая колонияlabour colony
трудовая мобилизацияlabour mobilization
трудовая партияlabour party
трудовая повинностьnational service
трудовая повинностьpublic works
трудовая повинностьpersonal service
трудовая повинностьcivilian duty
трудовая повинностьlabour duty
трудовая правоспособностьlabour legal capacity
трудовая функцияjob description (an official list of the work and responsibilities you have in your job: • Photocopying isn't part of my job description. LBED Alexander Demidov)
трудовая функцияlabour function
трудовая юстицияindustrial justice