
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing точки | all forms | exact matches only
в точку!Bingo! (Leonid Dzhepko)
в точкуto a T (Leonid Dzhepko)
распространённая точка зренияcommon opinion (When trained in the lab to open a two-step puzzle box, bumblebees of the species Bombus terrestris could teach the solution to another bee that had never seen the box before. "This finding challenges a common opinion in the field: that the capacity to socially learn behaviors that cannot be innovated through individual trial and error is unique to humans," write the team of researchers based in the United Kingdom and United States. -- Результаты эксперимента оспаривают распространённую точку зрения ... (sciencealert.com) ART Vancouver)
с научной точки зренияfrom a scientific standpoint (From a scientific standpoint, the Mongolian death worm presents a fascinating puzzle. (thevintagenews.com) ART Vancouver)
с точки зренияspeaking from the perspective of (Speaking from the perspective of a full-figured woman who's been wearing a bra all her life, I can attest to the associated back pain. ART Vancouver)
с точки зренияfrom a ... standpoint (As a criminal defense attorney I can tell you it's a very tough case from a defense standpoint. ART Vancouver)
с точки зренияfrom a ... point of view (from a citizen's and taxpayer's point of view – с точки зрения гражданина и налогоплательщика ART Vancouver)
широкое распространение получила версия / точка зрения, чтоit was widely thought that (It was widely thought that the anomalous sounds perhaps came from some broken pipeline or leak, but when this was checked out it was found that the sounds did not really match this audio signature. ART Vancouver)