
Terms for subject Real estate containing торгово | all forms | exact matches only
анализ рынка торгово-складской недвижимостиretail warehousing property market analysis (Alex_Odeychuk)
анализ рынка торговой недвижимостиretail property market analysis (Alex_Odeychuk)
анализ рынка торговой складской недвижимостиretail warehousing property market analysis (Alex_Odeychuk)
аренда торговых площадейretail lease (lawput)
ввод объектов торговой недвижимостиretail space supply (Alexander Demidov)
многофункциональный торгово-офисный центрmixed-use business and retail center (alfa)
Начальник отдела сдачи в аренду торговых помещенийHead of Retail Agency Department (rechnik)
Начальник отдела торговых площадейHead of Retail Department (rechnik)
Начальник отдела управления торговой недвижимостьюHead of Property Management Department (rechnik)
небольшой земельный участок под застройку рядом с крупным торговым центромretail pad site (flynash)
Отдел торговых площадейRetail Department (rechnik)
проект в сфере торговой недвижимостиshopping project (по проектированию и строительству торгового центра Alex_Odeychuk)
проект строительства торгово-развлекательного и ресторанного комплексаretail, dining and entertainment project (Alex_Odeychuk)
рынок торгово-складской недвижимостиretail warehousing property market (Alex_Odeychuk)
рынок торговой складской недвижимостиretail warehousing property market (Alex_Odeychuk)
рынок торговых помещенийretail sector (of real estate market Peri)
свободная торговая площадьcommercial vacancy (Some landowners are hesitant about short-term renting, or find it difficult to get tenants who are willing to sign a lease that has a demolition clause. Some are unfamiliar with the idea of renting out to pop-up operations, which several landlords in Vancouver have been experimenting with. Or they don’t know how to access those operators who might be interested in shorter-term leases. That’s a barrier that Lewis Silberberg, a commercial real-estate broker who has done contract work for the city on problems with commercial vacancies, has noticed. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
свободное торговое помещениеcommercial vacancy (Some landowners are hesitant about short-term renting, or find it difficult to get tenants who are willing to sign a lease that has a demolition clause. Some are unfamiliar with the idea of renting out to pop-up operations, which several landlords in Vancouver have been experimenting with. Or they don’t know how to access those operators who might be interested in shorter-term leases. That’s a barrier that Lewis Silberberg, a commercial real-estate broker who has done contract work for the city on problems with commercial vacancies, has noticed. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
сдать в аренду торговое помещениеfill the space (Silberberg is a great believer in tackling empty storefronts as a way to sustain the health and vitality of shopping areas. But, he says, each site needs a tailored assessment. And maybe even some specialized help—particularly for the many smaller landlords that are surprisingly numerous in Vancouver—in figuring out how to attract a good tenant for a short-term lease, or how to get through the city’s obstacle course, or to see the advantages of filling the space sooner. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
сдать в аренду торговую площадьfill the space (Silberberg is a great believer in tackling empty storefronts as a way to sustain the health and vitality of shopping areas. But, he says, each site needs a tailored assessment. And maybe even some specialized help—particularly for the many smaller landlords that are surprisingly numerous in Vancouver—in figuring out how to attract a good tenant for a short-term lease, or how to get through the city’s obstacle course, or to see the advantages of filling the space sooner. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
ставки аренды торговой недвижимостиrental rates for retail real estate (В. Бузаков)
ставки аренды торговой недвижимостиretail real estate rental rates (В. Бузаков)
ставки аренды торговых площадейrental rates for retail space (В. Бузаков)
торговая недвижимостьretail real estate (В. Бузаков)
торговая площадьcommercial space (Before the shift, Strand had emptied out the commercial spaces on the site, which included operations like Motorino Electric and City Side Winery. But the company refilled them after deciding to apply for the new project, since it could still take up to two years before construction could start. New tenants looking for relatively cheaper rents leased there, including the nonprofit Food Stash and Leon Cycle. (bcbusiness.ca) ART Vancouver)
торговая складская недвижимостьretail warehousing property (Alex_Odeychuk)
торгово-офисный центрretail and office center (Alex_Odeychuk)
торгово-развлекательный и ресторанный комплексretail, dining and entertainment complex (Alex_Odeychuk)
торгово-ресторанный комплексretail and dining complex (Alex_Odeychuk)
торгово-складская недвижимостьretail warehousing property (Alex_Odeychuk)
торговое помещениеcommercial space (Before the shift, Strand had emptied out the commercial spaces on the site, which included operations like Motorino Electric and City Side Winery. (bcbusiness.ca) • Council voted 5-1 Monday to approve Three Shores Development’s request to build 164 strata homes over top of commercial and office space at 120-128 East 14th St. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
торговые помещенияcommerce rooms
торговые приспособления или приспособления съёмщикаtenant's fixtures (aka trade fixtures; He относящиеся к недвижимости принадлежности, прикрепленные к объектам имущества съемщиком и используемые им при ведении торговли или бизнеса, подлежащие устранению съемщиком по окончании срока аренды. алешаBG)
торговый деловой центрretail and business center (Leonid Dzhepko)
Украинская торговая гильдияUkrainian Trade Guild (консультационная компания, специализирующаяся на комплексном сопровождении проектов в сфере недвижимости lawput)