
Terms containing товарный обмен | all forms | in specified order only
econ.соглашение о товарном обменеbarter agreement
econ.товарно-денежный обменcommodity-money exchange (Official policy promotion of the household and individual sector seems to indicate a consensus that a very large share of the economy will be based on simple commodity production – whereby each producer works with his own means of production and the main function of production is consumption – and on commodity-money exchange – by Carolyn Gates and David H. D. Truong Tamerlane)
busin.товарный обменexchange of commodities
psychol.товарный обменcommodity exchange
econ.товарный обменmerchandise exchange
gen.товарный обменbarter
lawЦентр обмена информацией о товарных знакахTrademark Clearinghouse (HOFU)