
Terms for subject Microsoft containing тест | all forms | exact matches only
веб-тест производительностиWeb performance test (A test type that targets the validation of Web pages and HTTP requests. Rori)
закодированный тест пользовательского интерфейсаcoded UI test (An automated test of the user interface of an application. A coded UI test exercises user actions and validates the expected results. Rori)
модульный тест базы данныхdatabase unit test (A unit test that validates whether a certain aspect of your database is working as you expect)
тест безопасностиsecurity test (A test that looks for attack paths that might be used to gain access to assets)
тест влияния на продукт в целомcheck-in test (A test run by a developer to determine whether his code has affected the general stability of the product. Rori)
тест-инженерsoftware test engineer (The person who prepares a functional product for release by methodically writing test breakouts and bug reports)
тест-инженерtester (The person who prepares a functional product for release by methodically writing test breakouts and bug reports)
тест итерацииiteration test (A test that is run after the build verification tests. These tests verify the functionality called for in the iteration plan. Rori)
тест модуляwhite box view (A unit test is typically written by a developer to verify the behavior of a specific method or set of methods. They can also be used for white-box testing or in conjunction with load or stress testing)
тест партнёраPartner Test (A test, written by a Microsoft partner, that uses the test framework's extensibility interfaces)
тест приёмки сборкиbuild acceptance test (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
тест проверки сборкиBVT (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
тест производительностиperformance test (A procedure used to assess performance)
тест производительностиbenchmark
тест регрессииregression test (A test that is run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully)
Тест сети не пройденNetwork Test Failed (Andy)
тест состоянияsmoke test (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
тест "шахматный код"checkerboard test (A memory test employed to detect catastrophic failures and wiring problems within the memory chip and on the data bus by writing an alternating pattern of 0's and 1's to the memory chip)