
Terms for subject Microsoft containing с атрибутами | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Атрибут имеет составной ключ и не может быть обновлён с использованием данного синтаксиса обратной записиthe attribute has a composite key and cannot be updated using this writeback syntax. (SQL Server 2012)
атрибут, разрешающий вызовы с неполным довериемAllow Partially Trusted Callers Attribute (An attribute that tells the CLR to remove the implicit LinkDemands. By default, strongly named, fully trusted assemblies are given an implicit LinkDemand for FullTrust on every public and protected method of every publicly visible class. Essentially, any code that someone outside of your assembly could use as an entry point into your code is protected with this demand)
работа с атрибутами дискаmanipulate disk attributes (Windows 8 Rori)