
Terms for subject General containing счёт -фактура | all forms | in specified order only
бланк для счетов-фактур, накладныхbillhead
выписать счёт-фактуруmake out an invoice
выставлять счёт-фактуруinvoice
груз прибыл без счета-фактурыshipment came unaccompanied by an invoice
дата выставления счета-фактурыdate of invoice (All sums payable by Party A to Party B under this contract shall be paid against invoice within [insert time period] of the date of invoice, and in the event of late payment all sums due shall bear interest at the rate of [insert percentage] per month. LE2 Alexander Demidov)
журналы учёта полученных и выставленных счетов-фактурjournals of VAT invoices received and issued (ABelonogov)
индекс счетов-фактурarchitecture billings index (rally)
итого по счету-фактуреtotal invoice amount (twinkie)
корешок счета-фактурыinvoice stub (4uzhoj)
корректировочный счёт-фактураadjustment invoice (As taxpayers have been able to issue adjustment invoices since 1 October 2011 (the latest VAT tax period), the Federal Tax Service of the ... Alexander Demidov)
корректировочный счёт-фактураcorrective invoice (elena.kazan)
на основании счёта-фактурыagainst invoice (the expression ‘paid against invoice'means that Party B must send an invoice to Party A stating the amount to be paid and the date on which payment must be made, and Party A must pay as stated in the invoice. LE2 Alexander Demidov)
неоспоренный счёт-фактураundisputed invoice (Yeldar Azanbayev)
неспорный счёт-фактураundisputed invoice (4uzhoj)
Об утверждении правил ведения журналов учёта полученных и выставленных счетов-фактур, книг покупок и книг продаж при расчётах по налогу на добавленную стоимостьConcerning Approval of the Rules for Maintaining Journals of VAT Invoices Received and Issued, Purchase Ledgers and Sales Ledgers for Value Added Tax Settlements (E&Y ABelonogov)
очередной счёт-фактураinterim invoice (4uzhoj)
платёж на основании счета-фактурыpayment against an invoice (george serebryakov)
при оплате убедительная просьба указывать номер счета фактурыplease quote Invoice Number with all payments
реестр счетов-фактурregister of VAT invoices (E&Y ABelonogov)
система счетов-фактурinvoice system
счёт и счёт-фактураbill and an invoice (Follow these steps after you have entered a bill and an invoice for a supplier/customer. | He doesn't like consultants – "no responsibility whatsoever apart from issuing a bill and an invoice" – or business qualifications such as MBAs ... Alexander Demidov)
счёт - фактураinvoice
счёт-фактураsales invoice
счёт-фактураinvoice (rather formal) a bill for goods that sb has bought or work that has been done for sb: > The builders sent an invoice for L250. bill or invoice? You would get a bill in a restaurant, bar or hotel; from a company that supplies you with gas, electricity, etc; or from sb whose property you have damaged. An invoice is for goods supplied or work done as agreed between a customer and supplier. OALD)
счёт-фактура дебитораcustomer invoice (ROGER YOUNG)
счёт-фактура, по которому отсутствуют претензии со стороны заказчикаundisputed invoice (получателя 4uzhoj)
услуги, за которые выписываются счета-фактурыinvoiceable items (zheniok)