
Terms for subject General containing счёт и счёт-фактура | all forms | in specified order only
журналы учёта полученных и выставленных счетов-фактурjournals of VAT invoices received and issued (ABelonogov)
Об утверждении правил ведения журналов учёта полученных и выставленных счетов-фактур, книг покупок и книг продаж при расчётах по налогу на добавленную стоимостьConcerning Approval of the Rules for Maintaining Journals of VAT Invoices Received and Issued, Purchase Ledgers and Sales Ledgers for Value Added Tax Settlements (E&Y ABelonogov)
счёт и счёт-фактураbill and an invoice (Follow these steps after you have entered a bill and an invoice for a supplier/customer. | He doesn't like consultants – "no responsibility whatsoever apart from issuing a bill and an invoice" – or business qualifications such as MBAs ... Alexander Demidov)