
Terms for subject General containing субсидиарно | all forms
заявление о привлечении к субсидиарной ответственностиclaim for vicarious liability (The claim for vicarious liability against the employer was initially dismissed on the grounds that there was an insufficiently close connection between the act of ... Alexander Demidov)
нести субсидиарную ответственностьbe vicariously liable (Employers are vicariously liable, under the respondeat superior doctrine, for negligent acts or omissions by their employees in the course of employment ... WAD Alexander Demidov)
нести субсидиарную ответственностьbe held secondarily liable (copyright infringement, it held that the ISP may be held secondarily liable for the infringing BBS postings it stores and disseminates over its ... Alexander Demidov)
нести субсидиарную ответственностьbe secondarily liable (estate such real estate may be made primarily liable; if, however, the fund fails, the personal estate will be secondarily liable. Alexander Demidov)
нести субсидиарную ответственностьbe held vicariously liable (за – for Alexander Demidov)
нести субсидиарную ответственность поbe held vicariously liable for (Alexander Demidov)
привлекаться к субсидиарной ответственностиbe held secondarily liable (in the Defendants' interpretation of the law, reminding Mr Palmer that a mere conduit cannot be held secondarily liable for infringements. copyright infringement, it held that the ISP may be held secondarily liable for the infringing BBS postings it stores and disseminates over its Taxes on life insurance proceeds for estate tax purposes are paid by the estate, but the recipient can be held secondarily liable to pay taxes. UK Alexander Demidov)
размер субсидиарной ответственностиamount of vicarious liability damages (Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York are among a handful of states where there's no limit on the amount of vicarious liability damages that ... | ... still outlaw unlimited vicarious liability schemes while allowing for statutes, like Florida, that capped the amount of vicarious liability damages. Alexander Demidov)
солидарная субсидиарная ответственностьjoint and several vicarious liability (Alexander Demidov)
являться солидарными или субсидиарными должниками в обязательствах поbe held jointly and severally or secondarily liable for (Alexander Demidov)
являться субсидиарными должниками в обязательствах поbe held secondarily liable for (Alexander Demidov)