
Terms for subject European Bank for Reconstruction and Development containing строительная | all forms | exact matches only
договор строительного подрядаconstruction contract (construction contract Construction Contract A legal document which specifies the details of a construction project. A good construction contract will include: 1.The contractors registration number. 2.A statement of work quality such as "Standard Practices of the Trades' or 'according to Manufacturers Specifications.' 3.A set of blue prints o... Found on Construction Contract – A legal document which specifies the what-when-where-how-how much and by whom in a construction project. A good construction contract will include: 1. The contractors registration number. 2. A statement of work quality such as 'Standard Practices of the Trades" or 'according to Manufacturers Specifications'. 3. A set of Blue Prints or Pl... Found on homebuildingmanual.com Alexander Demidov)
договор строительного подрядаcivil works contract
разрешение на производство строительных работplanning permission (raf)
строительная площадкаconstruction project (oVoD)
строительные нормы и правилаconstruction standards and regulations (СНИП)
строительные работыcivil works
строительные работыconstruction
строительный объектconstruction facility
строительный объектconstruction site
строительный объектconstruction
строительство силами собственной строительной организацииown-account construction (raf)