
Terms for subject Informal containing странная | all forms | exact matches only
быть одержимым какой-либо странной или необычной идеейhave a wild hair up one's ass (to be obsessed with some strange or offbeat idea Taras)
какой-то странныйkind of weird (Jessica's new boyfriend's kind of weird. ART Vancouver)
немного странныйgeeky (о человеке ART Vancouver)
немного странныйquirky (quirky Scottish singing sensation Susan Boyle ART Vancouver)
носиться со странными идеямиget weird ideas (Andrey Truhachev)
он всегда отличался странным поведениемhe has a history of odd behavior (Technical)
странная личностьoddball (Val_Ships)
странная личностьcreep
странное делоweirdly (разг. вводное выражение: Weirdly, cars are more prone to obeying a crosswalk if the pedestrian is holding up their cellphone (like they're taking a video). It's as if the drivers had control all along and the "I didn't notice" defense is total BS. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
странное фотоweird image (With that in mind, what do you make of the weird image? ART Vancouver)
странные вещиweird stuff (происходят, творятся: The first caller to mention Fermilab, Sean, noted that after an experiment in particle collision “two or three years ago” that he said, “detected a brand new form of matter,” which was then, “swept under the rug,” he began noticing strange occurrences around his home. The second caller to discuss the Fermilab installation, Chris from Milwaukee, said he was calling, “just to back up Sean, and say there’s been some weird stuff going on in the sort of general tri-state area” which he attributes to the activity there. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
странные делаweird stuff (происходят, творятся: The first caller to mention Fermilab, Sean, noted that after an experiment in particle collision “two or three years ago” that he said, “detected a brand new form of matter,” which was then, “swept under the rug,” he began noticing strange occurrences around his home. The second caller to discuss the Fermilab installation, Chris from Milwaukee, said he was calling, “just to back up Sean, and say there’s been some weird stuff going on in the sort of general tri-state area” which he attributes to the activity there. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
странный звонокcrank call (от чудаковатого человека напр., в редакцию газеты или полицию Taras)
странный типstrange customer (Andrey Truhachev)
странный типqueer customer (Andrey Truhachev)
странный типfreck (Alex Lilo)
странный человекodd fish
человек, притягивающий к себе странных типовfreak magnet (Shakermaker)
человек со странными увлечениями и интересамиanorak (Andy is so boring. Did you know that his idea of a perfect day is going to the station to collect train registration numbers? What an anorak! acebuddy)
что за странные вопросы?what odd questions! Why do you ask? (Soulbringer)