
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing стоял | all forms
не стоитno sense in (+ gerund: 'Let's finish the job. No sense in being bitter. We are all trying to do the right thing.' – Raymond Chandler  ART Vancouver)
не стоитit's not a good idea (Perhaps it's not a good idea to post compromising photos like this one? -- Может, не стоит выставлять в сеть такие компрометирующие фото? ART Vancouver)
перед (кем-л.) стоят трудностиface challenges (также facing challenges (in the progressive) ART Vancouver)
стоит взглянутьbe worth a look (The south façade with its bold, semicircular twin bays is an outstanding piece of moderne styling. Though not of the same high quality, the Forum, Pure Food Building and the Livestock Building all have good detailing and are worth a look. (Ron Phillips) -- на них стоит взглянуть / их стоит посмотреть ART Vancouver)
стоит ли оно того?is that even worth it? (I don't know if I would want to buy outright, but maybe put enough of a downpayment to have a mortgage somewhere around 1,000/month....but again, with the rates, is that even worth it? -- Вообще, стоит ли оно того? (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
стоит посмотретьbe worth a look (The south façade with its bold, semicircular twin bays is an outstanding piece of moderne styling. Though not of the same high quality, the Forum, Pure Food Building and the Livestock Building all have good detailing and are worth a look. (Ron Phillips) -- на них стоит взглянуть / их стоит посмотреть ART Vancouver)
стоять на своёмstand by one's story (Undeterred, the woman claims that the footage is genuine, and at any rate, stands by her story. ART Vancouver)