
Terms for subject Microsoft containing степени | all forms | exact matches only
маркер доступа с низкой степенью целостностиlow integrity access token (A filtered access token that is created with a low integrity level. This access token is used by Internet Explorer Protected Mode, but can also be used by other applications Rori)
проверка степени фрагментацииtune-up scan (An online scan that examines a hard disk's level of fragmentation)
проверка степени фрагментацииtune up scan (An online scan that examines a hard disk's level of fragmentation)
с очень высокой степенью достоверностиa very high degree of certainty (Alex_Odeychuk)
степени серьёзности событияevent severity levels (Windows 8 ssn)
степень детализации измеренияdimension granularity (" The lowest level available to a particular dimension in relation to a particular measure group. The "natural" or physical grain is always that of the key that joins the main dimension table to the primary fact table.")
степень незаполненностиsparsity (The relative percentage of a multidimensional structure's cells that do not contain data)
степень релевантностиrelevance rank (The position of an item in an ordered list of search results that reflects its relatedness to the search query. Rori)
степень релевантностиrelevance rank (The position of an item in an ordered list of search results that reflects its relatedness to the search query)
степень серьёзностиseverity level (A number that indicates the severity of an audit or error message)
степень функциональной зависимостиfunctional dependency strength (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
только в тех случаях и в той степени, в которой знание такой информации будет необходимоneed-to-know basis (when referring to the disclosure of information, a principle to disclose the information only to those directly concerned and impacted by it Taras)