
Terms for subject Microsoft containing стандартные | all forms | exact matches only
диспетчер стандартных блоковBuilding Blocks Organizer (A feature that allows users to preview, edit or delete building blocks in a variety of galleries, and insert them into the current document)
Обновлён стандартный уровень фильтра нежелательной почтыthe Unsolicited Commercial Email default filter level has been updated. (Exchange Server 2010)
Оценивает стандартное отклонение по всей совокупности значений, созданной в результате вычисления выражения для каждой строки таблицыEstimates standard deviation based on the entire population that results from evaluating an expression for each row of a table (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Ошибка при получении уровня стандартного фильтра нежелательной почты из каталогаthere was an error obtaining the Unsolicited Commercial Email default filter level from the directory (Exchange Server 2010)
Показать сальдо по кассе в стандартной валюте или в валютах проводок.Show cash balance in standard and transaction currencies. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Сегмент стандартного устройства фильтра визуализацииStandard Video Renderer Device Segment (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Rori)
Сегмент стандартного устройства формирования звукаStandard Audio Renderer Device Segment (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
Создание стандартной учётной записи пользователяCreate standard user account (Windows 8 Rori)
стандартная закладкаpredefined bookmark (A bookmark that Microsoft Word automatically sets in each document. For example, the \Sel predefined bookmark refers to the current selection or the insertion point)
стандартная карта с отметкамиbasic marker map (A map that displays a marker at each location (for example, cities) and varies marker color, size, and type)
стандартная клавиатураstandard keyboard
стандартная маскаglob (vlad-and-slav)
стандартная маскаglob pattern (vlad-and-slav)
стандартная панель инструментовbuilt-in toolbar (A toolbar that is part of an application when it's installed on your computer)
стандартная плиткаdefault tile (The tile that a developer defines in the manifest. It's the app tile before it receives its first update notification. It consists of just a logo as an image, plus an optional short name)
стандартная себестоимостьstandard cost price
стандартная средаstandard environment (A collection of computers on which you can run and manage tests as a single entity)
стандартная ставкаstandard rate (A base rate that you assign to resources [such as people, equipment, or material] and that Project uses to calculate resource cost totals)
стандартная учётная записьstandard account
стандартное действиеstandard activity (The set of activities that is included with the standard installation of Orchestrator)
стандартное менюdefault menu (Andy)
стандартное развёртываниеstandard deployment (A deployment type that allows users to configure a Remote Desktop Services deployment across multiple servers or on one server)
стандартное соглашение между торговыми партнёрамиfallback trading partner agreement (A collection of settings that BizTalk Server uses for business-to-business message handling, when no explicit agreement is present)
Стандартные блоки в интернетеOnline Building Blocks (Office System 2010, Publisher 2013)
стандартные компонентыout-of-box components (The components that are built into BizTalk RFID: the SQL Server Sink and the RuleEngine Policy Executor. The SQL Server Sink is used to store events in a SQL database. The RuleEngine Policy Executor is used to execute Microsoft business rules)
стандартные компонентыout-of-box components (The components that are built into BizTalk RFID: the SQL Server Sink and the RuleEngine Policy Executor. The SQL Server Sink is used to store events in a SQL database. The RuleEngine Policy Executor is used to execute Microsoft business rules. Rori)
стандартные компонентыOOB components (The components that are built into BizTalk RFID: the SQL Server Sink and the RuleEngine Policy Executor. The SQL Server Sink is used to store events in a SQL database. The RuleEngine Policy Executor is used to execute Microsoft business rules)
стандартные параметры безопасностиdefault security settings (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
стандартные форматыcommon formats (Office for Mac 2016 Rori)
Microsoft Office Visio Стандартный 2007Microsoft® Office Visio® Standard 2007 (An edition of Microsoft business diagramming and drawing software used to create charts, diagrams, and other schematic illustrations)
Microsoft Project стандартный 2013Microsoft Project Standard 2013 (The standard 2013 edition of the Microsoft project management software used to plan, manage, and communicate a project schedule and other information among team members, project managers and stakeholders)
Microsoft Visio стандартный 2013Microsoft Visio Standard 2013 (The standard edition of the 2013 Microsoft business diagramming and drawing software, designed for business users working on diagrams individually)
Microsoft Office стандартный 2013Microsoft Office Standard 2013 (The 2013 edition of the Office suite that supports common business tasks, and that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, and Publisher)
Microsoft Visio стандартный 2010Microsoft Visio Standard 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft business diagramming and drawing software used to create charts, diagrams, and other schematic illustrations, designed for business users)
Office стандартный 2010Office Standard 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing (Word), e-mail (Outlook), presentations (PowerPoint), and data management and analysis (Excel))
Microsoft® Office Project Стандартный 2007Microsoft® Office Project Standard 2007 (An edition of Microsoft project management software used to plan, manage, and communicate a project schedule and other information among workgroup members, project managers, and other stakeholders)
Microsoft Project стандартный 2010Microsoft Project Standard 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft project management software used to plan, manage, and communicate a project schedule and other information among workgroup members, project managers, and other stakeholders)
Microsoft Office Стандартный 2007Microsoft® Office Standard 2007 (A suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, e-mail, presentations, and data management and analysis)
Microsoft Office стандартный 2010Microsoft Office Standard 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the suite of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing (Word), e-mail (Outlook), presentations (PowerPoint), and data management and analysis (Excel))
стандартный оператор запросаstandard query operator (A method that constitutes a query pattern and that is implemented by a LINQ provider for a specific domain. Standard query operators are defined in the System.Linq.Enumerable class)
стандартный отправительStandard Sender (A Configuration Manager communication mechanism that enables you to create and send package information to another Configuration Manager site over standard network channels)
стандартный отчётbase report (The original, default, or out-of-the-box version of a report that has not been customized for an organization's own business needs)
стандартный поток выводаstandard output (A stream that is opened automatically and is defined to receive data output from a process. Rori)
стандартный потребительstandard consumer (One of several preinstalled permanent consumers that perform an action, such as sending an e-mail or writing to a log when configured by a managed object format (MOF) file or a script)
стандартный протокол IEEE для проверки подлинности подключаемых к ПК временных запоминающих устройствIEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices (The IEEE industry standard that defines methods for authenticating transient removable storage devices (e.g. USB flash drives, memory cards, and portable hard disks) when they are mounted to host computers in corporate, government, academic, and other environments)
стандартный протокол IEEE для проверки подлинности подключаемых к ПК временных запоминающих устройствIEEE standard protocol for authentication in host attachments of transient storage devices (ssn)
Стандартный разделительDefault delimiter (Field that specifies which character will be the default character used to separate data items when the data is being imported into Microsoft Dynamics CRM)
стандартный режимstandard mode (The standard statement completion mode that is provided by IntelliSense. Standard mode is used when classes and members are used after having been defined)
стандартный связыватель моделиdefault model binder (Стандартный связыватель модели используется активатором действий, когда ему не удаётся обнаружить специальный связыватель для привязки конкретного типа данных. Alex_Odeychuk)
стандартный текстboilerplate text (Recyclable text; a piece of writing or code, such as an organization's mission statement or the graphics code that prints a software company's logo, which can be used over and over in many different documents)
стандартный шрифтstandard font (The default text font for worksheets. The standard font determines the default font for the Normal cell style)