
Terms containing средство индивидуализации | all forms | in specified order only
lawправа на средства индивидуализацииrights to means of individualization (Civil Code of RF Tayafenix)
gen.средства индивидуализацииidentifications (The names, marks, logos and other identifications of OPERA NEWS 4uzhoj)
adv.средства индивидуализацииmeans of individualization (Пахно Е.А.)
patents.средства индивидуализацииmarks
busin.средства индивидуализацииidentities (ya)
adv.средства индивидуализацииidentica (K48)
lawсредства индивидуализацииmeans of individualizing (встречается в основном на неанглоязычных сайтах, правильно: means of identification Leonid Dzhepko)
lawсредства индивидуализацииmeans of individualization ГК4, Жильцов (Andrew052)
ed.средства индивидуализацииintellectual property designations (HarryWharton&Co)
lawсредства индивидуализацииmeans of identification (Maxim Prokofiev)
gen.средства индивидуализацииmeans of personalization (Alexander Demidov)
lawсредство индивидуализацииbrand identity (In no circumstances should the trading name, image, logo, trademark or other brand identity of Burton be used in conjunction with the use of these Cards. | Fitch Even integrates the prosecution, registration, enforcement, and licensing of trademarks, copyrights, and other brand identities. | Logos, Brand Personality and other brand identities. | Created labels, hangtags and other brand identities. | Cleverly worded cartoons, reinforcements of logo's and other brand identities are seen to be more likely to sell aircraft seats. | We go far beyond just incorporating logos and other brand identities: we will carry a brand's colour schemes, graphical elements, links to corporate privacy policies, legals, and graphic styles throughout the survey. – АД)
lawсредство индивидуализацииbrand identity (In no circumstances should the trading name, image, logo, trademark or other brand identity of Burton be used in conjunction with the use of these Cards. Alexander Demidov)
lawсредство индивидуализацииbrand (Средство индивидуализации – обозначение, служащее для различения товаров, услуг, предприятий, организаций и других объектов в сфере хозяйственного оборота. К средствам индивидуализации в разных странах обычно относят: фирменное наименование, наименование некоммерческой организации, товарный знак, знак обслуживания, коммерческое обозначение, наименование места происхождения товара, доменное имя, и другие обозначения. вики. Brand is a name, sign, symbol, slogan or anything that is used to identify and distinguish a specific product, service, or business. wiki Alexander Demidov)
lawсредство индивидуализацииmeans of individualization (anyname1)
lawсредство индивидуализацииvisual identity (Visible elements of a brand, such as color, form, and shape, which encapsulate and convey the symbolic meanings that cannot be imparted through words alone. Read more: businessdictionary.com Moonranger)
adv.средство индивидуализацииidentity (Within our branding expertise we have successfully developed visual identities for many clients and some of this work can be found within our branding portfolio. | Placement of commercial logos, third party logos and accommodation of multiple visual identities on the same website can cause usability or design issues, and ... Alexander Demidov)