
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing спин | all forms
всадить нож в спинуstick the knife in (то же, что и put the knife in Commissioner)
всадить нож в спинуput knife in the back (Самурай)
гнуть спинуdo back-breaking labor (VLZ_58)
гнуть спинуkeep shoulder to the wheel (VLZ_58)
гнуть спинуkeep one's nose to the grindstone (VLZ_58)
дышать в спинуbreathe down one's neck (driven)
дышать в спинуbe in hot pursuit (4uzhoj)
дышать кому-либо в спинуbreathe down one's neck (напр., участник соревнования, идущий вторым, дышит в спину лидеру Grudiy)
жить в постоянном напряжении, ожидая удара в спинуwatch one's back (из-за угла VLZ_58)
за спинойwhen one's back is turned (кого-либо Bobrovska)
мурашки по спине забегалиmy skin crept ("(...) zoologist, John MacKinnon. In 1970, while on Borneo he stumbled upon a series of unusual, small, human-like footprints. He said: "I stopped dead. My skin crept and I felt a strong desire to head home…farther ahead I saw tracks and went to examine them. I found two dozen footprints in all. I was uneasy when I found them, and I didn't want to follow them and find out what was at the end of the trail. I knew that no animal we know about could make those tracks." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
мурашки по спине побежалиsent shivers up one's spine (мурашки бегают <забегали, побежали, поползли, пошли> по спине <по коже, по телу> мурашки бегают по спине от волнения, от страха ... По спине мурашки забегали. (А. Чехов.): And in 1933, the Inverness Courier published the terrifying account of a couple named Aldie and John Mackay who’d been driving along Loch Ness in the April of that year. It's enough to send shivers up your spine... entrepreneur.com ART Vancouver)
мурашки по спине побежалиgive sb. goosebumps (Kolbaba related stories of incredible coincidences, such as a doctor who specialized in microsurgery in order to attach severed limbs. He arrived by chance at a hospital just in time to save the hands of a woman who was the granddaughter of a man who had coincidentally and unknowingly kept the surgeon from possibly committing suicide. The woman was later able to pursue her dream of becoming a concert pianist. (...) When writing his book, Kolbaba said he chose "the stories that gave me goosebumps or made me cry." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
мурашки по спине побежалиmy skin crept ("(...) zoologist, John MacKinnon. In 1970, while on Borneo he stumbled upon a series of unusual, small, human-like footprints. He said: "I stopped dead. My skin crept and I felt a strong desire to head home…farther ahead I saw tracks and went to examine them. I found two dozen footprints in all. I was uneasy when I found them, and I didn't want to follow them and find out what was at the end of the trail. I knew that no animal we know about could make those tracks." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
не разгибать спинуput one's nose to the grindstone (4uzhoj)
по спине побежали мурашкиsomething made one's spine crawl (Just the thought of it makes my spine crawl. • An icy chill in the room made my spine crawl. 4uzhoj)
повернуться спиной к кому-л.turn your back on (someone Азери)
поворачиваться спинойgive someone the silent treatment (VLZ_58)
прятаться за чьей-либо спинойhide behind (4uzhoj)
работать, не разгибая спиныwork one's fingers to the bone (serejechka)
сражаться спиной к спинеhave each other's back (zeleno4ka)
стрелять в спинуbackstab (4uzhoj)