
Terms for subject Microsoft containing сообщение о | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
копия сообщения о ложном срабатыванииfalse-positive submission copy (The capability for users to enter a specific e-mail address to receive a copy of every message submitted as a "false positive," a message that is identified as spam when it is not. Rori)
копия сообщения о ложном срабатыванииfalse-positive submission copy (" The capability for users to enter a specific e-mail address to receive a copy of every message submitted as a "false positive," a message that is identified as spam when it is not. ")
мгновенные сообщения и сведения о присутствииIM&P (также встречается вариант IM/P vlad-and-slav)
Необходимо указать сообщение о подтвержденииthe confirmation message cannot be empty (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1)
оповещение о поступившем мгновенном сообщенииincoming instant message alert (A notification that the user receives when someone sends an instant message to that user)
подложное уведомление о недоставленном сообщенииbackscatter (A DSN (Delivery Status Notification) delivered to a recipient who never sent the original mail in the first place. While the DSN itself is perfectly legitimate and valid notification initiated by a reputable MTA, it has been sent to a user who never initiated the original mail transaction)
порог сообщений о состоянииstatus message threshold (The limit that defines when the summary status for a component or site system should indicate OK, Warning, or Critical status)
порог сообщения о состоянииstatus message threshold (The limit that defines when the summary status for a component or site system should indicate OK, Warning, or Critical status)
правило фильтрации сообщений о состоянииstatus filter rule (A filtering rule that controls how status messages are reported and viewed)
представление "Сведения о сообщении"Message Details view (In the Health and Activity Tracking (HAT) tool a detailed view of all known information for a given message in the Message Box. This view is available through the shortcut menu in the PivotTable field list in one of two Operations views)
псевдоним для сообщений о нарушенияхabuse alias (An e-mail alias for Exchange Hosted Services designed to receive spam submissions from customers)
псевдоним для сообщений о нарушенияхabuse alias (An e-mail alias for Exchange Hosted Services designed to receive spam submissions from customers. Rori)
сообщение о недоставкеbounce message (A non-delivery notification that is sent to an e-mail sender when a message cannot be delivered to the intended recipient either temporarily or permanently)
сообщение о нежелательной почтеspam submission (The submission by users of unfiltered messages to the spam evaluation team at Exchange Hosted Services. Users submit the unfiltered spam messages with the full Internet headers intact to the organization's abuse alias)
сообщение о перенаправленииredirect message (microsoft.com bojana)
сообщение о сбоеpoison message (A message containing information that an application cannot successfully process. A poison message is not a corrupt message, and may not be an invalid request)
сообщения о событиях системного монитораperflib event messages (Windows 8 ssn)
средство просмотра сообщений о состоянииStatus Message Viewer (A tool in the SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console that is used to browse the status messages in the SMS/Configuration Manager site database)
средство формирования сводных данных по сообщениям о состоянииstatus summarizer (A component that consolidates the data generated by Configuration Manager status messages into a succinct view of the status of a component, a server, a package, or an advertisement)
уведомление о состоянии сообщенияmessage disposition notification (A request for disposition information from a recipient after a message has been successfully delivered. The information might include whether the message was displayed, printed, or deleted without display, or if a recipient refused to send notification)