
Terms for subject Figurative containing сойдёт | all forms
свет не клином сошёлсяthere are other fish in the sea
свет не клином сошёлсяthe world hasn't come to an end
сойти с дистанцииcrash out (SirReal)
сойти с рельсовgo astray
сойти с умаgo haywire (For between five and eight minutes the instruments and controls went haywire, until the light moved away and disappeared at speed. -- сошли с ума / взбесились (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century"))  ART Vancouver)
сойти со страниц книгиwalk out of a book ('One of my few proud boasts is that I once spent a day interviewing P.G. Wodehouse at his home in America. He was exactly as I'd expected: a lovely, modest man. He could have walked out of one of his own novels. It's dangerous to use the word genius to describe a writer, but I'll risk it with him.' (John Humphreys) – он словно сошёл со страниц одного из своих романов ART Vancouver)
сойти со сценыgo off the stage
сойти со сценыpass from the scene
сойти со сценыbow out